The Missing Link Interview #613 – Elena Danaan

The Missing Link Interview #613 – Elena Danaan

Jesse – The Missing Link

Elena Danaan was born in France, lives in Ireland. Graduated archaeologist, devoted twenty years of her life as a field archaeologist, in particular in Egypt for the French and Egyptian governments. Also a certified Druidess and shaman.

Abducted at age nine by malevolent extraterrestrials Grays from Zeta Reticuli, Elena was rescued in this process by other extraterrestrials belonging to the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Elena kept in touch all her life with these benevolent beings, who taught her about various galactic races involved with our planet.

Archaeologist, author, artist, ET contactee, abductee… Elena Danaan was born in France, served as an archaeologist in Egypt. She now lives in Ireland.

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