Why Are They Here? The Secret Alien Agenda

WHY ARE THEY HERE? The Secret Alien Agenda – What You NEED to Know! Documentary 2023 by Paul Wallis

The Fifth Kind

Are Aliens watching humanity? How Long have they been here and what is it that they want? – New Documentary by Paul Wallis. Watch on our website now: https://www.5thkind.tv/videos/why-are… available on all major platforms.

Parts of the military and corporate world are withholding information regarding reverse engineering, ET technology, and ET contact. It’s been happening on Terra since the 1930’s.

The idea that we are being prepared for “invasion” is B.S. We were invaded a long time ago. The regressive ETs were removed in 2021.

Humanity is part of a long-term evolutionary project, originated by the Intergalactic Confederation.

Several benevolent ET groups like the Sirians, Pleiadians, the Andromedans, and Arcturians are here to aid and protect Terrans as we undergo a major transition into an interstellar society.

This entry was posted in Alternative Technology, Culture, Disclosure, Earth History / Civilizations, ET races / species, exopolitics, Galactic Federation of Worlds, geopolitics, Observations, Paleo-contact, Religion / Spirituality. Bookmark the permalink.