Laura Aboli: We have arrived at the end of a cycle

Everything in the universe works in cycles and we’re coming to the end of one.

I believe we’re coming to the end of the experience of extreme duality and we’re moving towards a state of perfect balance.

For this transition to occur on a collective scale, we must individually align our many aspects so we may become coherent and balanced ourselves.

The mistake we make is in thinking that change will occur through exterior events, but this is not the case. We are the only ones that can create the change by changing individually.

The light does not come from outside of ourselves, it comes from within. When billions of people start awakening, realigning, rebalancing, reconnecting, redeeming, acknowledging, understanding and unifying under a common awareness, the light we will produce will be blinding and will transform this world in an instance.

If you are one of these people, be proud to be part of the solution, YOU are the change, YOU are the answer, YOU are the light. So continue down this path, we need you to do so.


Note to Readers:

Eliza: A New Dawn is Breaking

Several years back, I wrote a long paper about human evolution from a theosophical point of view. While in the process of doing my research, I encountered the concept of cycles held by the Hindus, of the yugas. And there was the understanding that each individual state (country), culture, descending down to individual also undergo cycles.

The cycle we are ending is the Kali Yuga, the Dark Age, that has been dominated by the forces of darkness.

What is not often expressed is the transition from one cycle to another is progressive and overlapping. Hence we are witnessing those individuals and in some cases, countries, who have made the choice to choose sovereignty over blind obedience to the demands of the Cabal, are now moving into a new cycle of increased prosperity and freedom for their people. Individuals are accomplishing the same thing, by making choices that support their personal growth, health and well-being, and if they have a family, the same.

Yes, the Light emerges from within, from within our soul essence that is held by our physical vehicle or avatar for a lifetime. We… collectively… are the Terra Hu, the humanity of Earth. Unique in all the universes, we hold within our collective genome the bloodlines of 22 different advanced ET races (see Elena Danaan’s book, The Seeders, for more information).

Earth humanity was initially seeded upon this planet by the Intergalactic Confederation, the Watchers who are briefly mentioned in the bible. Some of these “watchers” decided to incarnate among the evolving creatures. Eventually, primitive humanity was created. Then, some 375,000 to 400,000 years ago, other ETs arrived with an entirely different purpose in mind… to claim Terra and this solar system as their territory by right of conquest. Prince Yuh, a hybrid Ciakahrr-Anakhim prince of his father, King Emperor Anu, arrived in the skies of Terra with his sky army. Yuh’s title was EN.LIL, the commander of armies.

From the agreement made between Yuh’s mother, Tiamat, an Orion Reptilian queen, Anu agreed that Yuh would be the crown prince and above in status to Anu’s first borne son, Prince Ea. Anu wanted to expand the territory of his empire, but Yuh had other ideas. EN.LIL had been brought up as a Ciakahrr, a regressive reptilian race that does not possess individuated consciousness unlike the Terra Hu and other human races living within Nataru (the Milky Way Galaxy). Yuh grew up and absorbed the typical anti-human prejudices of his mother’s people, the warriors of the Ciakahrr, who delighted in conquering, controlling, dominating and dividing all those whose planets they had conquered, raped, and pillaged in their headlong military campaigns across this galaxy. Terra, beautiful blue water planet, was in their plans… and there already existed a primitive humanoid creature that could be altered genetically, upgraded, but only so much in order to create a permanent slave race.

The story has been told elsewhere, but Prince Ea, who was by descent, a human-Anakhim hybrid, was also a compassionate individual, taking after his mother rather than his father. Ea or as he came to be known, EN.KI, lord of the waters… (Ki = Terra or Earth). Lord of the waters is a reference to Ea’s scholarship and experience as a Master Geneticist. His half-brother, the greedy EN.LIL demanded that Ea create a suitable slave race after his own people, the worker class Igigi rebelled. So, Ea began his investigations. He had the ability to activate the frequency codes of the DNA contained in his lab “specimens”, the human beings who were gathered to be a part of these experiments. Ea was startled and delighted to discover that he was looking at a creature who contained stardust, the genome of star people, ten diverse root races. Viewing the holographs of this unique mixture of DNA, Ea could see the origin of the primitive humans, who their real fathers and mothers were… the Seeders. Intuitively, he knew these “creatures” had great potential and one day their physical bodies would become evolved enough to hold high frequency souls. Secretly he conducted his experiments in a lab hidden in the depths of the huge Anakhim mothership, Nibiru. The ship was lovingly named Nibiru in memory of the original Anakhim home world, located in a parallel universe. It was not nor never has been a wandering planet as described in the ancient texts by those who did not understand the concept of a gigantic moon-sized star ship.

In his laboratory, a biosphere within the gigantic ship, which was called an Edin, he grew his new race, that eventually became the Terra Hu, the humanity of Earth or Terra. Ea thus became the father of modern humanity, the father of Homo sapien sapiens. His first successful creation was Adamu, the first man… on Terra. The feat had previously occurred on other worlds, namely in the Man system of Lyra constellation, where the Seeders, had also seeded four Hu man root races, the Ahel, the Taal, the Laan, and the Noor. Today, Earth humanity also contains the genome of these root races due to their interactions and mating with Earth humans through the centuries, along with the rise and fall of their own assorted colonies located on Terra and elsewhere in the solar system.

Our origins and history is very different from what has been allowed to be handed down by our forefathers, but only after the texts and purpose has been heavily altered, edited, and in some cases, hidden from sight or destroyed. We will learn this real history once disclosure of the existence of our star cousins is revealed, when real disclosure of Earth humanity’s age-long interactions with star people and the realms of Inner Earth, are finally revealed to all.

Our cousins, the benevolent ETs like the Pleiadians from the Taygeta system, the Arcturians from the Bootes constellation, the Andromedans from the Zenae system, the Sirians from Sirius B, and so on… have the technology to allow us to witness holographic records of our individual and collective history. We will see with our own eyes just what befell our ancestors, who were “us” in many cases, as our souls were locked into an endless cycle of reincarnation within this planetary matrix, recycled for ages upon ages until now…

The Door has been opened. All those souls who belong to another planetary matrix will be able to choose where they wish to reincarnate. Those who belong to the planetary matrix of Terra will remain and continue their collective evolution, becoming a true intergalactic star race as has been envisioned by many during the former dark times.

The Terra Hu will walk and travel among the stars of many galaxies, acting as benevolent Teachers for those races who are still evolving, the Stage One and Stage Two populations that cannot be interfered with overtly. Some of the Terra Hu will incarnate into these people and lead them to greatness over the cycles of time.

Although humanity has suffered for many long ages… hundreds of thousands of years, our consciousness has grown, developed compassion, and a yearning to work together… something that has been prevented by our former regressive masters, the Hidden Hand of control, the angry EN.LIL and his son Ninurta, and nephew, Marduk… These hidden controllers masqueraded as “gods”. Enlil became Zeus to the Greeks, Yahweh to the Hebrews. Marduk became Satan… the All-Seeing Eye is the Eye of Marduk… So many names, so many religions and belief systems were created all with the purpose of dividing and conquering humanity, keeping them fighting with each other in bloody wars, which served the purpose of the dark controllers and eventually their hybrid offspring… to whom they granted dominion over the peoples of Terra, when the original “gods” decided to withdraw from Terra.

Oh, the history and stories that we will learn…

Yes, a very dark cycle is ending. The regressive ETs were forcibly removed and driven out of Eden by the combined forces of the Galactic Federation and the Earth Alliance (aka Solar Warden) in the year 2021. Trump is very aware of the existence of both of these organizations and the alliances that have been growing as more nations join the Artemis Accords. There are secret space programs, both black and white. The dark fleet, the Nacht Waffen, of the Nazi German breakaway civilization was also driven out of this solar system, its headquarters in Antarctica taken over by the Earth Alliance.

The power and influence of the Cabal, the hybrid heirs of EN.LIL, is waning as their agendas and plans are exposed to those who are willing to look beyond the “official” narrative. Humanity has been subjected to an insidious plot to dumb it down as a collective, bombard it with an assortment of poisons, found in the air, water, soil, food, and energetically through electronics and electricity. These issues will be resolved and healed once the collective realizes and wakes up to what has been intended… to reduce the population to 90% and permanently enslave and physically weaken the remainder.

Visualize within yourself a Sun… for you, dear Earth human, contain a fractal, a sun of your Creator, Source. You… your real “you” is pure consciousness. Your former controllers are aware of you waking up to your pure and literally God-given potential. Long ago, EN.LIL realized your potential and he was afraid and angry with his half-brother for creating a fully realized and activated human being. He knew, even within his jealous angry mind that the Terra Hu had the capacity to eventually outstrip even his father’s people in their brilliance and ability to create. So EN.LIL made the terrible decision to have his geneticists to deactivate Earth humanity’s DNA, creating a dumbed down creature who was willing to obey and comply with anything the gods demanded. And just read the Old Testament to discover what angry demands the jealous god EN.LIL demanded of his “chosen people”… the blood-thirsty demon. EN.LIL was no god; there are no “gods”. Religion was used as a means to control, dominate, demand, and steal resources from the real owners of the planet, the captured Terra Hu. No more… you are now FREE!!!

The Dark Age is waning. A new age of Light and amazing possibilities is dawning. Open your eyes, your mind, your hearts… the stars await your presence. Your potential and abilities to create are only limited by your self-criticism, so release it. Allow yourself to dream and it will be so… perhaps not immediately… there is much to be done in order to bring back order and healing upon this planet, especially among those families who have been divided by the intentional lies strewn about by infiltrated institutions with dark agendas.

Meet a new dawn of possibilities

So much is about to change.

The Storm, long rumored by the Q psyop of the White Hats, is upon us all. Our world will never be the same.

In anticipation of the ending of their long evolutionary experiment with the Terra Hu, the Seeders returned to this solar system in 2021, when the last of the regressives was removed from the planet except for those beings known collectively as the Cabal and their minions, especially those from the ranks of several secret societies and practitioners of the black arts and Satanism.

In early 2022, representatives of the Intergalactic Confederation aka The Seeders, along with other councils, notified King Anu that his son Yuh had been arrested along with his fellow evil-doer, the Pindar of the Ciakahrr reptilians present on the planet… that the Anakhim no longer (and never did) have any right to claim Terra or the solar system. The Intergalactic Confederation, a collective from several other galaxies and far advanced than even the Anakhim, had the right and authority given direct from The Nine who act as supra-physical agents of Source in this universe. Anu listened while the numerous sins and crimes of his son Yuh were renumerated in front of a Council of elders. Anu had to accept the custody of his son, never to return to Terra or the Sol system, to be remanded to a prison planet for the remainder of his very long life. In turn, the new crown prince of the remaining Anakhim in this galaxy, Prince Ea, handed over the frequency keys of Saturn (his former son’s dwelling place) to the Earth Alliance. As the highest evolved civilization in this solar system, the Terra Hu were now in control, with the assistance and aid of several benevolent ET councils, the GFW (aka Oraa Nataru Shaari – gathering of worlds) and the presence of several hundred motherships from the Intergalactic Confederation, with six being cloaked and present in Earth orbit. Oh, yes… They are here!


COMMENTS ON — Keep it clean.

P.S. If you want to do the research on what I shared above, go to the source material. For recent intel, Elena Danaan’s books are great. For real researchers and potential scholars go to the source material from the Sumerians, as suggested by Billy Carson and others, books like The Genesis of Eriadu, where Prince Ea used to live before moving to the kingdom of Atlantis (Ea was known as Poseidon and Neptune). In another incarnation, Elena was incarnated as an Atlaa of Atlantis… she knew Prince Ea. They’ve known each other for 400K years, old friends, indeed. Elena is not from the Earth matrix, but comes from another galaxy, a member of the Intergalactic Confederation and one of the Watchers who remained to observe the evolutionary process of their children, the Terra Hu.

For those who do not understand the concept of “planet matrix”, it is the first planet and solar system that your soul fragment incarnates upon. Your soul fractal evolves on this planet until it reaches a certain level of frequency, thereupon it can choose where to incarnate in order to gather more experiences. So, those who feel they are starseeds, your planetary matrix is probably located somewhere else, a story for another time.

Sorry, folks… I got a bit caught up with this piece.

Enjoy your day!

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7 Responses to Laura Aboli: We have arrived at the end of a cycle

  1. nickygolf says:

    Very nice and concise summary of the history of our planet. Many are awake and many more will follow. All in perfect Divine order…………


  2. Anonymous says:

    I don’t know much about the Yugas, except that there are four ages, and I’m glad to know we’re ending one! Referencing bronze, silver, and gold as being three of the ages, I do indeed feel like we’ve been through incessant Olympics and I’m looking forward to retiring! Thanks, Eliza, for Laura’s article and your own. Much love, Altea


    • Eliza Ayres says:

      A yuga is merely a Sanskrit term for an age. We are now leaving the Iron Age, the Kali Yuga, and transitioning into the Satya Yuga, the Golden Age.

      Yes, this has been quite exhausting in more than one way… like coping with the never-ending reveals of all the darkness that has existed on this planet and only now we are waking up to it. The conditioning of humanity was a great success until now. And the awakening process is fiery and furiously quick, even as more people’s consciousness levels rise and they can “see” and “hear” for the first time in generations of life here.

      Thanks for the comment… Eliza ❤


  3. Anonymous says:

    Zeus and the Olympian gods were not reptilians, more likely from Arcturus or Taygeta.


    • Eliza Ayres says:

      No. The Greek gods were not from the Pleiades or Arcturus. Neither culture would violate the Prime Directive created by the Galactic Federation after the Orion Wars. Playing “gods” for an indigenous culture is a violation of sovereignty for an evolving world. Enlil, his Ciakahrr and Anakhim buddies had no such scruples. They violated the sovereignty of the Terra Hu, Earth humanity for thousands of years until they were forcibly removed in 2021.


  4. pathwaytosovereignty says:

    You have explained this brilliantly Eliza…. Heart blessings and thanks. Libby


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