Eliza: Who Were the “gods”?

Eliza: Who Were the Gods?

Note to Readers: This is a lengthy article, more suitable to be read on a I-pad or laptop than phone.

Those who pay attention to the comment section, which is seldom open, will have noted one commentor took issue with my statement that the Greek gods were Anunnaki, instead claiming that they may have come from the Pleiades or Arcturus. 

For starters, although the Anunnaki have been portrayed as being one species, they are not. Instead, they are an ancient culture, an empire, started in this galaxy, Nataru (the Milky Way Galaxy) a long time ago by Anu.  He brought his people from another parallel galaxy through the great Arcturian portal located in the Boötes constellation.  Later, his people settled in the Sirius B solar system. Understand the Anunnaki as we called them, refer to themselves as the Anakhim, and consist of several races and species, including Grays, humans, Anakh, reptilians, amphibians, etc., and hybrids thereof.  The term “Anunnaki” or Anunnake were the Anakhim people who arrived on Terra some 374,000 years ago.  “Ki” is the Anakh designation for Earth or Terra, as our planet is called by most beings who live in our galaxy, Nataru.

The history of Terra is complex and would take an entire book or several to cover. I also do not claim to be a scholar, having received no education on these matters while in college.  I am simply interested in Terran history and the origin of humanity… which is also complex.

However, with this confession, there are sources the average person can connect with via the Internet or by obtaining books which contain translations of ancient Sumerian cuneiform tablets, delineating in poetic form the earliest accounts of the arrival of the Anakhim on Terra.  A more up-to-date summary of this history can also be found in Elena Danaan’s book, The Seeders, which I will have to read once more. There is so much condensed information contained in this one volume that my mind cannot hold it. Nor will I violate the copyright laws and copy Elena’s words.  I might refer to pages, which you can access yourself, either in a paperback copy or digital one.  Please note the numbering will depend on the publication and can vary.

Now, with a simple search on the web, I found this reference to the Greek gods…

Like the Epic of Atrahasis, and the Jewish version in 1 Enoch, 7, it starts with an insurrection by lesser supernatural beings – Giants in this case – and an account of human sin, which make Zeus/Jupiter decide to destroy the world. Deucalion, however, has been warned by his father Prometheus, the creator of mankind (cf. the role of Enki as creator and protector of humanity in all Babylonian versions). Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha build a wooden chest and embark; after the Flood, they find themselves on the summit of Mount Parnassus (Hyginus: Etna; Hellanicus: Othrys). During a visit to the oracle of Delphinote they learn how to recreate mankind: they have to throw stones behind their back, from which new people are born. Their ‘real’ son, Hellen, is the ancestor of the Greeks. Reference: https://www.livius.org/articles/misc/great-flood/flood4/

There, in one simple search I found the reference of Zeus (Greek) and Jupiter (Roman) as being one and the same AND making the decision to destroy the world, which if you access the Sumerian flood stories, the being making such a terrible decision was EN.LIL or Prince Yuh, the Commander of Armies, i.e., the forces of the Anakh space fleet that accompanied and were perhaps carried by the enormous Nibiru starship. 

EN.LIL was the one who made the decision to destroy humanity by directing a huge comet to strike the planet, setting off a world-wide catastrophe that has been remembered by the indigenous peoples across the planet who did survive.  The primary target of EN.LIL’s wrath was Atlantis, which is where his half-brother, EN.KI, resided.  Atlantis also contained several colonies of other star races including one of the Seeder races, the Atleans, to whom Elena Danaan belongs.  Elena in her Atlantean incarnation did not survive the Flood, millions perished alongside her.  With the destruction of the northern continental icesheets, the ocean levels rose some 200+ feet drowning several magnificent prediluvian civilizations, especially off the coast of present-day Japan, India, Great Britain, the Americas especially off the coast of Bermuda and Cuba. This period of geological history is referred to as the Younger Dryas.  After the great Flood, large portions of the planet became uninhabitable for a very long time, although some tribes managed to survive in demanding circumstances, even to being sheltered underground by friendly non-human races like the Ant people (refer to the “mythologies” of the Navaho, Hopi, and Apache tribes of North America).

As a half-Ciakahrr reptilian hybrid and having been raised in his mother’s culture, Yuh inherited an anti-human prejudice that was to be acted out in malicious acts of violence, contradiction, false promises and claims, and destruction.  To better explain the derisive view of the Ciakahrr race of human beings, we must revisit their first encounters with humanity when their fleet arrived in the Man solar system within what we refer to the Lyran constellation.  Man is also known as Kepler 62 and was the original home worlds of four root races of Hu, the Ahel, the Taal, the Laan, and the very tall Noor.  These human beings had been seeded by the Intergalactic Confederation as a part of their ongoing evolutionary endeavors in many galaxies.  The humans of Man weren’t trained in war as they had lived peacefully on their resource-rich planets for hundreds of thousands of years, developing high-level and spiritual cultures.  After observing these human colonies for some time, the rapacious Ciakahrr came to regard them as a “soft” target, unable to defend themselves.  So, they chose to attack the colonies.  Somehow, the Taal, who were the rulers of the star system, were able to initiate a pause in the conflict and allow for the escape of some of the settlers in space arks, really hollowed out moons, for some humans to flee.

Elena Danaan briefly covers this encounter in her books, A Gift From the Stars: The Book of Alien Races, and The Seeders.  You can obtain these books from Amazon.

What is vital to know is during the midst of killing the Hu in the Man system, the Ciakahrr developed a taste for human flesh and especially the chemical derived from tortured humans, adrenochrome.  Perhaps you can see where this is going… as the current Satanic regime located on Terra are direct inheritors of the Ciakahrr hatred and derision against humanity, regarding them as soft lesser beings only suitable as slaves, food, and as a natural resource. And frankly, the regressives were jealous of the Hu mans, since they contained a soul consciousness, whereas most Gray and reptilians (especially the Ciakahrr and Nagai) were members of a hive consciousness, possessing no free will of their own as individuals. EN.LIL, when he learned of the real contents of the Terra Hu DNA instinctively knew that these humans were potential danger to the agenda of his mother race, the Ciakahrr. He knew the Terra Hu, if allowed to freely evolve at a natural pace, would soon outstrip his own culture.

For centuries the EN.LIL led faction of Anakhim ran the planet mostly from the shadows especially after the Great Flood.  There was probably more than one flood event, as well as numerous earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that changed the climate.  For some unexplained reason, although EN.LIL ordered the destruction of humanity before the Flood, after the flood, several civilizations were reorganized, and cultures reborn.  Each of these various cultures recorded a flood narrative, with its own names for the gods involved, and what occurred.  The research efforts of Paul Wallis, Billy Carson, and other scholars and scientists have discovered correlations between all the narratives, which would leave someone to believe that these stories are telling the same tale only from different perspectives.  It is becoming increasingly clear to those anthropologists and other researchers that there has been an intentional effort to suppress human history to a narrow window of accepted conventional timeline of some 5,000 to 6,000 years, well after the Great Flood was supposed to have occurred.  It is almost as if someone did not want humanity to remember what they had been before the Flood… and although recorded in the Sumerian tablets and elsewhere in indigenous collective memory, many of the flood stories were dismissed by conventional authorities as mere myths… only they weren’t myths or made- up fairy tales.  The detritus of buried cities, hidden for centuries under layers of dirt and mud, drowned cities, destroyed cities, monuments, and relics aligned with these long-dismissed stories and made some investigators like Graham Hancock willing to question conventional academia. 

As the early efforts of these new investigators began to find results contradictory to the “official” narrative, more questions began to arise in those who were following the research.  It was also noted that there was a distinct effort to shut down these new investigations, those that questioned academia and the accepted timeline of ancient civilizations, when they existed, who ruled over them, and how long humanity had even existed upon this planet.  It was becoming evident that a Door was closed, one that would take decades to open and to begin to reveal the real long hidden history of our planet, one in which the EN.LIL faction of the Anakhim played a major and destructive part.

I understand for those who have been conditioned from childhood to believe in what authorities tell us as truth, it is a difficult transition to take, first questioning the official narrative, and then dismissing it entirely as it is often proven to have no substantial validity other than being repeated enough until people readily accept it without thinking about their own submissive and blindly compliant obedience.

After the Great Flood and the destruction of Atlantis and other highly advanced cultures across the planet, Enlil had his geneticists deactivate a portion of the human genome, leaving two strands that enabled the creatures to survive but to be more compliant than the fully activated human race developed by his half-brother, the hated EN.KI.  In other words, EN.LIL fulfilled his purpose of his original intention, to create a permanent slave race out of the “black-haired” humanoids found on the newly conquered planet.  The only thing standing in his way was the continued existence of the Adamic bloodline created by EN.KI, which has continued to exist throughout the thousands of years after the Flood.  And later, there was the advent of the star seeds, a group of highly evolved souls who wanted to experience physical existence on a lower density world. The mere presence of these highly evolved souls interfered with the original intent of EN.LIL and his cohorts to keep humanity an submissive slave race, as their higher frequency raised the frequency of the collective.

After the defeat of the rebels, known as the Black League, in the great 100,000-year conflict of the Orion Wars, the Council of Five (once Nine) initiated the Envoy program, sending out a call for advanced souls to incarnate upon Terra and 21 other star systems for the purpose of defeating the Enemy who had managed to infiltrate these cultures.  The Zenae Council (aka The Andromedan Council) placed most of the focus on Terra as their seers, using a form of Looking Glass holographic technology were able to determine that Terra would become the foci of a great darkness that would spread across the galaxy and into neighboring galaxies, bringing death and destruction even to higher density civilizations.  At the core of these potential destructive forces were the regressive Anakhim under the leadership of Yuh, his son Ninurta, and nephew Marduk, and their allies, the Ciakahrr reptilians from Orion and Alpha, Epsilon and Sigma Draconis, the Nebu (a collective of primarily Gray races), the Altairian humans (who were involved with the Ciakahrr), the Ashtar Collective (as opposed to the Ashtar Galactic Command, a breakaway faction of Taal-Ashkeri from Sirius B), and others.  These regressive forces found allies in the breakaway Nazi civilization that, before the end of WWII and the inevitable defeat of the Axis forces in Europe, the Nazis took their most advanced scientific experiments, scientists, and slaves with them to a new base in Antarctica where they discovered a pre-existing Ciakahrr base.  The reptilians accepted the Nazis as allies and began to assist them in developing more advanced anti-gravity technology until the Nazi-made ships were able to travel outside the orbit of Terra and begin to build bases on Luna, Mars, Ceres, and other smaller moons or planetoids within this solar system.

The story I am relating above is well-researched by Dr. Michael Salla in his book, The Secrets of Antarctica.  Dr. Salla also relates the influence of secret societies in the repression of knowledge of human possession of advanced technology, due to the desire of the planetary custodians, the regressive Anakhim, to retain their power and control over humanity.  Yet, knowing the real potential of humanity in their ability to create through their consciousness, these abilities were channeled against humanity and for a nefarious purpose, to create a race of hybrid and/or transhuman cyborgs who could then be utilized as an invincible military force to further the aims of the Ciakahrr and other regressive allies to conquer the entire galaxy and beyond.  In other words, the Terra Hu were going to be redesigned, transformed into a transhuman race to be used against other human races and species across the galaxy and densities. 

The long-term agenda of the regressives has not panned out.  Due to the efforts of the Galactic Federation aligned with a benevolent faction of Earth military, a space fleet was built with the aid and assistance of the GFW, aka Oraa Nataru Shaari, a fleet that became known as Solar Warden. To this day, the existence of this fleet has been kept from the public, but despite the efforts to suppress all knowledge, there has been whistleblower participants who have come forward with their stories of experiencing the 20-year and back programs, and/or being abducted against their will and placed into these programs.  Such programs involved various degrees of abduction/kidnapping, torture, mind-control, MK Ultra techniques, and slavery, depending on who was sponsoring the program, whether it was “white” or “black”.  The black projects were aligned with the Ciakahrr and Nazis; the “white” projects were developed at first by the U.S. Navy, later the French, and other nations, creating a Terran space fleet which came to be known as Solar Warden. 

Both programs were funded by government funds siphoned off military allocations, with the ultimate control depending on the allegiance held by the leaders of the projects or corporations involved.  Giant military contractors were involved on both sides, but as the years went by the Nazis who managed to infiltrate into the higher echelons of science, engineering, medicine, and industry, became more closely aligned with the agenda of the Ciakahrr and their allies, the Nebu, led by the Eben Grays of the Orion Zone.

Oh, the plans of the enemy have become so evident to those who have managed to awaken from the Dream spell cast over humanity through the black magic rituals, manipulation, and direct suppression of knowledge and technology from the masses.  Still, as the Covid plandemic is revealed to be a lie, there are those individuals who have begun to question everything about what they have been taught to accept as real.  And now with the statistics of the damage caused by the Covid vaccinations piling up, with the statistics of “sudden death” without satisfactory explanation being ignored by a compliant media, more and more people are beginning to question the official narratives handed down to humanity over the ages… in every part of our life.  Suddenly we are seeing that our own history has been suppressed, advances in technology has been violently and vehemently repressed to the point of killing some inventors, truthtellers have been ostracized, attacked, and killed for questioning the official narrative.  We have seen the Western medical industry finally reveal the real intentions of its founders, the Rockefellers, who were eugenicists, revealing their origins as descendants of the regressive Anakhim and hybrid Ciakahrr, whether by blood or purpose. 

The agenda put forth by EN.LIL, commander of armies, was to destroy the ability of the Terra Hu to live as sovereign beings, connected to Source, and to recreate a cyber army designed to further the rapacious designs of the Ciakahrr and Nebu to conquer an unlimited number of worlds.

Many of those souls who participated as members of the Black League, the rebel forces arrayed against the Nebu and the Ciakahrr empires during the Orion Wars, reincarnated on the various worlds threatened by or controlled by the regressives, with the intent to free these cultures from the inside, by incarnating into the indigenous population.  These souls became a part of the Envoy program, designed to defeat the enemy from infiltration and exposure of the negative agenda.

I know I was one of these souls.  The knowing comes from a deep resonance with the story as related by Elena Danaan in her many videos and books since 2021.  Such a knowing cannot be substantiated, at least not yet, but it is real nevertheless, and real for many other awakening souls who are shuffling off the illusion the former custodians and controllers of this planet have used to fool all of us.

So… what was the original purpose of this article?  To establish that the Greek gods, were in fact, yet another reiteration of the Anakhim “gods” who violated the sovereignty of the indigenous human race upon Terra, intentionally manipulated their genome for unkind purposes, to enslave, dumb down and control, and who interfered with a long-term evolutionary experiment begun and overseen by the Intergalactic Confederation who had not been present on the planet for several hundreds of thousands of years after the arrival of the Anakhim fleet in the skies above Terra.

Among benevolent ET cultures, some 95% of all the cultures existent in Nataru, they follow no religions as we know them on Terra.  Instead, these highly advanced cultures align directly to Source and use science to advance their technological foundation and development.  These cultures are balanced in both technology and spiritual evolution, each proceeding in their own unique way.

Beyond the ten original root Hu race genome seeded upon Terra, eleven more were added later due to the several other star races adding their DNA to various cultures.  These primarily benevolent cultures included the Pleiadians from Ashaara (Taygeta) and included descendants of those races who fled the Man system upon being invaded by the Ciakahrr.  These races include the Errahil of Erra, the Taal, the Laan (feline-like in appearance around the head), and the Noor.  Other human races included the Selosi from Selos in the Alpha Centauri star system.  The Selosi became the root race for the Telosi, who largely went underground after the sinking of Atlantis and settled in the Inner Earth in tribes mainly under the Gobi Desert, Europe, and ranging into the Americas, especially under Mt. Shasta, the location of the great city, Telos.  There were also short-lived colonies from Adar, a blue-skinned people who were descendants of the Taal of the Man system.  The presence of these beings may be seen in the ancient Vedic texts which relate stories of wars, a conflict between the Anakhim custodian “gods” and the Adari, which led to their retreat from this planet, leaving behind only stories that were woven into religious doctrine through the centuries.

So, it comes to the present time.  The lies, deception, manipulation of the dark forces who long controlled this planet are in the process of being revealed, layer by layer, page by page.  It would better serve the storytellers to hear from the indigenous record-keepers who have maintained their people’s legacies throughout the centuries despite the pressures upon their cultures to suppress this ancient knowledge and awareness.  We will learn much about ourselves and the origin of humanity while keeping in mind that the tales told are often layered with metaphor and meaning not comprehended at first by outsiders.

The Anakhim and their allies made sure that the Terra Hu were not aware of their real origin and history.  So, too, was the intention of the secret societies that were infiltrated by the Satanic cult of the Khazars, including the Freemasons and other societies that were originally formed for the benefit of humanity. The intent of the regressive controllers was to reverse and inverse all good and positive, all that would benefit humanity and replace it with the perverse and corrupt, to denigrate genders, races, and keep humanity in a state of confusion and reliance upon the illegal governance.

In viewing any part of our cultures today, we must be able to question the official narrative, especially when it is being parroted and put forth by multiple sources.  This especially pertains to the area of academia, which has become a cesspool of inverted agendas designed to compromise real scientific study, creating scientists into “yes men and women”, bribed by money, power, and influence.

It is time to relieve ourselves of the burden of dogma, reliance on outside sources for knowledge save those root sources that can be found in the remaining artifacts of ancient civilizations that once thrived upon this planet.  Civilizations have risen and fallen in the long cycles of time.  Still, we can use our ability to see just what happened through the art of remote viewing, for time is not linear, but exists all at once, past, present and future.

How did the Envoys arrive at the precise moments of the Terran timeline to effect change upon this planet?  By choosing specific nodes existent on the timelines.  Many souls came from the future that was already being infected and affected by the disastrous invasions of the vast and powerful Ciakahrr armies.  We came back to right a wrong, to reverse the original cause, the domination of this planet by a regressive force, and to free humanity so it might be free to continue its natural evolution into becoming a star nation and joining the cause for justice and balance in this galaxy, the intention of Oraa Nataru Shaari, the Galactic Federation of Worlds.

Justice for all who died is coming.  2024 will be a stellar year for regaining control over the remaining minions of the dark forces, humans who have sold their souls to the devil (a concept developed by the Vatican to frighten its followers into submission).  The Satanic forces will be and are being defeated, primarily by exposure of their crimes against humanity, their abuse and murder of countless children and innocents, and their perversities that cannot be accepted or tolerated by a peaceful balanced and ground culture.

EN.LIL was known as Zeus and Jupiter, king of the gods.  He also played a part in the pantheon of the Sumerians, Egypt, and other civilizations strewn around the Mediterranean Basin, as one of the centers of post-diluvian culture, although certainly not the only one.  Bottom line, all the beings who took on the mantle of being “gods” for various indigenous cultures were interfering with the natural evolution of those people, no matter the culture or location on the planet.

As fractals of Source, consciousness incarnated into physical avatars, we cannot be followers of any “god” or leader, no matter their standing in society, but must arrive at our own decisions based on what we learn by connecting within, through our own intuition and connection with Source.  Our former controllers desired to interfere with that connection, so they disabled our DNA, but did not destroy it entirely… a big mistake, for as the frequency of the planet rises, the quantum DNA begins to reconnect naturally, leading to the individual suddenly or gradually “waking up” – which indicates an increase in Light frequency within their own body.  In turn, this frees up the individual to step aside from opinion and dogma and to observe the world around them, arriving at their own conclusions which may or may not resonate with others.  In time there will exist more harmony and resonance among the collective, only now, we are in the beginning stages of the reawakening of the human collective.  Some are further advanced than others for various reasons, but none are better or more special than the rest. 

The benevolent ETs regard each other as equals, even if their position is one of authority.  There is acceptance and respect in all interactions.  I pray that humanity will someday reach such an inner and outer balance so we can move beyond competition and into compassion for ourselves, for all life, and for our beloved planetary mother, Terra.



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