Destroying our connection to God with Gene-editing Injections

Notes to Readers:

Your physical body is your temple. Vaccinations of any sort alter the DNA or cause disruptions to the bodily functions.

Here’s some questions to consider:

  1. How do you weaken a race?
  2. How do you assimilate that race and cut them off from Source?
  3. How do you connect that race to hive mind, in effect creating a slave race that must respond to commands given through the Queen Hive?
  4. How do you reduce the population?
  5. How do you coerce or encourage the population to give their consent to a nefarious plot?
  6. How do you convince a population to release their free will and give their power to those who govern over them?

All of these methods have been used upon humanity, not just in the past four or five years but for centuries. These are classic divide and conquer tactics of an enemy determined to infiltrate and undermine the natural defenses of a strong foe, whether it be us as an individual, a collective, a nation, or a human body.

Our connection to Source is a commodity beyond price. Our HUman genome, being unique in this galaxy is currently under attack from several directions. What we choose to do will determine the future of our grandchildren and their descendants, even if they have a future. What will it be? Is seeking temporary relief from a “disease” worth getting a shot or taking a pill? It comes down to choice and with choices there comes consequences. We are seeing the fallout from the Covid-19 vaccination push now. It will get worse before it gets better.

Not everyone who was vaccinated has yet worked through their fear and denial. When they do, those who participated in pushing the agenda will not be safe to walk the streets…

Meanwhile, those who are awake should look into treating their conditions with natural herbs, energy/frequency healing. There are avenues to explore, but it up to you to choose… and don’t think you can convince someone else to listen to you if you were one of those who didn’t take the vaccination. It is too late. It is time for us to accept responsibility for our own actions and deal with the consequences. Projection or pushing the blame onto others is an immature tactic.

The vaccination project was based on the Nazi agenda that evolved from the U.S. Military alliance with the Nazi infiltrators who came into the United States after WWII, carrying on with their nasty medical experiments here or in hidden deep underground bases. The Nazis were inspired by their alliances with the off-world custodians, the Enlil faction of the Anunnaki, the Ciakahrr and after the 1950’s, with the Orion Grays, especially the aggressive Ebans, the Grail and the Maytra. There is a lot of history that we have to learn, especially how close we came from having our entire civilization destroyed by extraterrestrial AI, deception, divide and conquer techniques perpetrated through trusted institutions.

We are fortunate, indeed, that the Andromedans and the Council of Five (now Alnilam) thought the Terrahu were worth saving… Our sisters and brothers who wish the best for us as a race. Let us not disappoint them…

Eliza Ayres

P.S. Always when something confuses you and you ask, “Why would our government do such a thing?” remember the missing connection to our former off-world custodians, the regressive Anunnaki, the Ciakahrr, and their allies, the Orion Grays. This is the missing dot to many a mysterious occurrence on our planet, especially during the 20th century and into this one.

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