Covid + mRNA vaccines are Patented Bioweapons Partially Owned by the U.S. Gov’t

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Note to Readers:

I will say that I am not shocked by these continuing revelations, but I would imagine many will be, especially those who were conned into trusting the government. By “government” I am talking about the Deep State faction that has always been aligned with the Nazis who infiltrated the United States after Operation Paperclip AND the Khazarian Mafia / Zionists who currently have control over the government bureaucracy, the Department of Justice, the intelligence agencies (17), and Congress.

Currently, we are watching a movie, but remember, we’re also undergoing a war, perhaps a covert war, but a real war nonetheless. Wars have casualties and collateral damage, the latter a “nice” way of saying that civilians will die. We have already seen millions world wide die of the “side-effects” of the mRNA “vaccine”. If you’ve been paying attention, you should know this vaccine was actually a bioweapon that was developed under the aegis of the Department of Defense. Department of offense I think would be a more truthful title.

Depopulation and control of the human population has been a wet dream of the globalists and their associated secret societies for generations. In 2019, they were poised to destroy up to 90% of the human population but their plot was foiled primarily by one man, Trump. They are still trying to convince people to take their vaccines and boosters, although current efforts are not succeeding. Still, these people, these certifiable psychopaths will not quit until physically removed from their positions of power. The white hat alliance is working on the final solution.

We are in the process of discovering that most of what we have been taught in school, through movies and other media, were based on lies. That’s not the extent of the falsities we have been dealt with. While “they” laughed at us, we were burdened with false mathematics, false science, false history, false everything. It will take a while to sort things out.

Take a deep breath and know this process of unlearning will take a while to play out. Meanwhile, exercise some patience, take care of your physical vessel, pick up a new hobby, eat properly… and learn more about your self and the world by utilizing your inner Teacher, the intuition. Forward progress starts by first trusting your inner hunches. It is the way your Soul speaks directly to you. You just need to listen, pay attention and finally, follow through on the hunches despite what people say.

Eliza Ayres

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