The Nebu – Depopulation & Hybridization Agenda

The Nebu – Part 3

Depopulation and Hybridization Agenda

Note to Readers: This is a repost from last year. Part 1 and 2 are also available. You can search them using: The Nebu.

Did you know that the depopulation agenda, to remove Earth humanity and replace it with Gray hybrids was started in the 1950’s?

Some of you may know the story, the rumor that then President Eisenhower signed an agreement with some of the Do-Hu (Dow), a race of Greys, who were captured and assimilated into the Orion Alliance and genetically altered for servitude.  The President did not sign any such agreement, but a small group of powerful men, who came to be known as Majestic 12 (MJ-12) did.  Still, these Greys were acting for their masters, the Orion Grey Alliance, the Nebu.  Once the agreement was signed, the Nebu went on to break it, abducting millions of humans instead of a small group of prisoners, who were to be taken and then returned as part of a hybridization program designed to regenerate the dying race of the Do-Hu.

It was this group of Greys who were largely responsible for abductions, studying the world they wanted to conquer, and aligning with the most powerful governing groups to make first contact. The methods used were ones used during the Orion Wars and beyond, specifically designed to avoid confrontation with the Galactic Federation… for after an agreement or contract was signed, the prohibited interference, known as the Law of Non-Intervention in the Prime Directive, was no longer an issue.

This would not be the first time that the Orion Greys and the Ciakahrr had attempted to conquer Terra.  Around 26,000 B.C., the Orion Greys were run off the planet and out of the solar system by the Intergalactic Confederation, who were looking after their long-term evolutionary experiment.  I am not sure why the Anunnaki were not also run off the planet at the same time.

Utilizing Looking Glass technology, the Orion Greys and the Ciakahrr knew that the Sol system would be soon entering a higher density area of space, sparking a great awakening of the human population.  In a bid to properly infiltrate human society, they aligned themselves with the most powerful elements of the Anunnaki-human hybrids, dominated by the regressive faction of Enlil and Ninurta.  The powerful commander of armies, Enlil, wanted to retain his grasp on Terra, so he used the advanced technology and mind control techniques of the Orion Greys to further his agenda.  These allies were united in their agenda to depopulate the planet, to control whoever remained, to hybridize the remnant until they no longer resembled humans through various means including transhumanism.

The regressives were not the only ones who foresaw the beginnings of a galactic tyranny starting in the Sol system, primarily centered around Terra, Luna, and Mars.  The Zenae Council, also known as the Andromedan Council also foresaw this doom and pinpointed it down to the period post WWII and onward. Upon their discovery of this possible catastrophic timeline, the Zenae Council, the Council of Five, and others petitioned the Galactic Federation of Worlds to become involved in removing the regressive alien elements from the Sol system.  Thus, President Eisenhower was contacted by benevolent ETs, including a delegation from Selos in the Alpha-B Centauri system, members from the Pleiadian High Council, and representatives from some of the Venusian (Naaru) colonies, including the famous Commander Val Thor, a Taal.  Through several decades of cooperation with the positive elements of our own secret space programs (including the United States and France) and the benevolent ETs, a space-faring fleet was developed, eventually becoming the space-based Solar Warden.  And then there was the Envoy Program, set up originally by the Council of Five after the defeat of the Black League at the official “end” of the Orion Wars.  It was a program designed to have high frequency souls incarnate upon embattled worlds that were either under the control of the growing Nebu Empire or the Ciakahrr Empire.  Terra was just one of these worlds, but an important one.

So… the Orion Greys had designs to replace humanity on this planet.  I think the Ciakahrr were of the same mind, wanting to continue to have access to the natural resources of Terra, and access to the humans for less savory purposes. The Dracos have a taste for human blood and flesh. They are particularly fond of adrenochrome, a highly addictive substance derived from the blood of tortured humans (children are preferred). Dracos also utilize hidden agendas to maintain a certain level of violence and basic instinct on conquered planets, as these reptilian creatures can feed off of the etheric substance of fear and pain.

Both Greys and Ciakahrr were involved in abductions.  The Greys were involved primarily in abductions for the hybridization program. On the other hand, the Ciakahrr used their hybrids as a means to infiltrate further into the main leading societies of the conquered worlds or to be sent to other colonies.  Recently, the Negumak Gnomopo requested the capture by the GFW of some of the Reptilian-human hybrids to be handed over to them to be used as bargaining chips or hostages in negotiations with the Ciakahrr.  The GFW politely refused this request.  It would be interesting to find out who these hybrids are at some later date.

Now, back to the topic… the depopulation agenda was primarily driven by the Orion Greys as they wanted to reconquer this system.  This desire worked in tandem with the plans of the regressive Anunnaki under Enlil’s leadership, as he has always hated humanity. 

The development of bioweapons started under the guidance of the Orion Greys, probably in the various Deep Underground Bases that the Earth military forces handed over to the Greys for their experiments. 

The latest surge of bioweapons used against humanity was in accordance to fulfilling this decades old plan to depopulate the planet, added to all of the other ongoing projects including wars, pestilence, poisoning of food/water/air, enslavement through debt, dumbing down the population through mind-controlled, social engineering labeled as education in public schools, indoctrination received in churches, the weaponization of the medical profession and slow poisoning of the population by the use of synthetic drugs that made bodies more toxic and created permanent life-long patients.

However, it was the Covid vaccinations that were designed to permanently connect those humans who, of their own free will, acquiesced to receiving the shots… to connect them up to the Nebu Queen Hive AI located in the M42 Orion Nebula.  Included in the shots was a substance called Black Goo, an organic sentient substance that appears alive that carries frequency.  The weaponized 5D network was originally designed to activate and connect up all these people up to the AI network of things.  They would have become automatons, without free will or sovereignty, slaves, forced into obedience at the bidding of their Masters, the Nebu.  Or that was the plan…

Fortunately, for those who have survived the shots, the GFW managed to capture some Eban officers attempting to leave the Sol system through the Jupiter vortex.  These Greys were captured and immediately placed into stasis to prevent the Orion Queen from disconnecting them from the collective, in effect killing them.  Sometime after the capture, a Head Scientist was able to hack into the frequency code of the Nebu.  Like a computer being infected by a virus, the Orion Queen Hive AI crashed, suddenly freeing the remaining Nebu from the grip of the collective hive consciousness.  This successful hacking of the Orion Hive had the effect of disconnecting all of the various Grey races who had been connected to it, waking up with the desire to immediately return to their original planetary hives.

So, the Nebu plot was foiled, but millions of humans have already died from side-effects.  Sudden death has become commonplace, with very few in the media acknowledging the real cause, the vaccinations.

The Rothschild Family obtained a patent on Corona Virus in 2015, so this agenda was well on its way by the time the engineered “virus” appeared on the scene, frightening the population into compliance with authoritarian arm-twisting Gestapo techniques reminiscent of Nazi Germany or Stalin’s U.S.S.R.

Evidence is coming out about the orders for the development of this and many other bioweapons as originating from the United States Department of Defense (DOD), which has since WWII become heavily intertwined with the military-industrial complex and the Deep State.  In Ukraine alone, the Russians have unearthed 30+ bioweapons laboratories.  There are numerous other ones scattered across the face of the planet, associated with human trafficking, weapons trafficking, organ trafficking, money laundering, and adrenochrome.

In 2021, the Nebu Orion Greys and their allies were chased out of this solar system.  To prevent them from returning on the request of Earth humans, especially those mothers whose children were the result of the Grey-human hybridization project, the Prime Directive of the GFW was altered to include a clause which prevents more technologically advanced cultures from interacting with a Level 1 or Level 2 world.  Right now, Terra is considered a Level 2 world, although we are on the cusp of stepping up to Level 3 and becoming an interstellar people.

We certainly can express our gratitude to those benevolent races and species that have striven to defend our right to evolve without undue interference.

I recently put up a page that contains the entirety of the Prime Directive of the Galactic Federation of Worlds.  It is similar to the one presented in the television series “Star Trek” and was originally given to Gene Roddenberry from the Nine, the supra-physical entities who overlight evolution in the Multiverse for Source.

One other item of note, all the plagues and diseases suffered by humanity came from elsewhere, probably from the Orion Greys and inserted into various timelines to weaken the human population.  These diseases were not natural to Terra.  The Orion Nebu had the ability to time travel and interfere with positive developments in our cultures.

This has been a brief overview of some of the Nebu plots against humanity.  This article is by no means comprehensive.  The Nebu intended to repopulate the planet with their hybrids.  The Ciakahrr were probably intending something similar as they have long laid claim to Terra. Now, neither regressive race will have that opportunity.  The remaining humans on Terra now have the opportunity to break free from the remaining social engineering, mind-programming and conditioning that has been performed by the CIA through mass media since television, movies, and commercial music became a thing.  Turn off the television.  It wasn’t created for your health and well-being.  It’s time to take back our power and sovereignty and to re-emerge as the creative beings that activated humans are meant to be, the highest expression of Source energies.

If you have any comments, keep them on topic. Forward any questions directly to my email.  If I know the answer or can obtain further information, I may include the question in another related article.

Be well,

Eliza Ayres

Update June 11, 2024:

The phrase “died suddenly” is now showing up on the nightly news. The doctors who resisted the push for the vaccinations are finally being listened to, although it’s too late for some who have already perished from this bioweapon, the fake vaccination. The awareness that the Deep State faction of our government, starting inside the Department of Defense, was fully behind this “experiment” is beginning to sink in for some people. The Deep State has always been fully aligned with the regressive aliens who had invaded our world since before the Great Flood. Only thing now, the regressives were driven off-planet and out of the solar system in 2021. Slowly, slowly the Deep State agenda is being revealed to those who have previously been “asleep”.

Let me know in the comments, if you want me to address this issue further while keeping in mind I am not a physician.


COMMENTS OPEN (keep it civil and on topic)

This entry was posted in 5th Generation Warfare, Disclosure, ET races / species, Evolutionary Experiment, exopolitics, geopolitics, government, Medical industry. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to The Nebu – Depopulation & Hybridization Agenda

  1. lawsonbell898be60ab6 says:


    Greatly appreciate your essays. You recently directed readers to The Book of Man, much of the content coincides with your own with exception of reference to the Nine which is portrayed as antihuman, also the origin of plague being Africa.

    I would be most interested in your comments on this expansive and captivating work as it is so formative to the understanding of our vast history.


    • Eliza Ayres says:

      Oh, I could write about The Nine, although I’ll have to brush up on what I’ve read about them. I’ll write an article and explain, in my own words, what Elena Danaan has shared of The Nine. They are not anti-human… not at all. ~ Eliza


  2. susymont3 says:

    Thank you so very much for enlightening me and so many others.


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