Alex Collier: Earth’s Hidden Barrier – Cosmic Dome Theory

Alex Collier: Earth’s Hidden Barrier – Cosmic Dome Theory

🎥 Join Alex Collier, famed Andromedan contactee, as he addresses two of the most intriguing questions about our universe in Webinar 175: Is there a dome or force field surrounding planet Earth? Do extraterrestrials have pets? Discover the answers in this thought-provoking episode where Alex brings clarity to these cosmic mysteries.

Uncover whether our planet is encased in a mysterious dome and explore the fascinating idea of extraterrestrial pets. What kinds of creatures might roam the galaxies as companions to otherworldly beings? Alex provides insights that challenge our conventional understanding of both our planet and life in the universe.

Do other star nations have pets? Alex said animals live on board ships but they’re not “pets” but wander freely in the areas where they live.

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Nothing gets out and nothing gets in through our atmosphere. They’re (the Earth Alliance) still rounding up some “bad” guys. A lot of energy went into the dark side continuously wanting to own and manipulate us. They went above and beyond what they did with other races, what they’ve done to us. It was obsessive; that’s why the Galactics are protecting us while we get our act together.

There are elements of our secret space programs who have left our solar system and caused trouble with other cultures.

We grew up in a culture that was very predatory. We have to unlearn that sort of behavior.

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