Space Force and the Black Hats | Ariel

Do you all understand what I am getting at?

Donald Trump was never supposed to acknowledge that we have a military branch operating off planet. When he did that he made them come out of the shadows. Do you know how many super soldiers were blowing the whistle on the SSP-(Secret Space Program)? I am talking about way before D. Trump came into the picture.

This is why they do not want anybody from the National Guard moved to “The Space Force”.


Checks & Balances

How many of you have found the wild fires in California suspicious?

How many have you found the wildfire in Hawaii suspicious?

How many have you found the wildfire Louisiana power line explosion in Louisiana suspicious?

Guess who is behind all of that?

The Cabal.

The Deep State

The Shadow Government

Just because D. Trump announced the Space Force doesn’t mean we were out of the woods. We were just entering another deadly area of it. The fight to remove the Cabal is taking place on land, air, sea, and space. D. Trump was not behind this specific design. When they revealed the new logo he was only supporting the official design.

Have you noticed there are no pictures of him wearing this hat? All of his social media post were of the other mainline design. The one that is actually on the Space Force flag. You will never see him wearing this obvious Deep State hat. Because he knows they are in Space Force operating in the shadows.

Which is why again all of the US governors opposed D. Trump idea to put the National Guard in the Space Force. Because they (the National Guard) would be the ones to find out what had really been going on. Especially all the wildfires that were in California & Maui which goes directly back to crooked elements of the Space Force that D. Trump is trying to use the NG to get rid of. (remember Paradise, CA; Lahaina, Maui, Hawai’i, et al)

They didn’t want the National Guard at the US Capitol.

They didn’t want the National Guard at the Arizona border.

They didn’t want the National Guard in the US Space Force.

Ask yourself why?

Who is afraid of the National Guard?

This is why you all can not keep listening to random viewpoints if it goes against your better judgment of what you personally understand.

We are still in a war. We have not even switched over to the new monetary system yet even though it is running in conjunction with the old one.

The National Guard is feared for a reason by the Deep State which had infiltrated every other industry. Donald Trump knows the National Guard will figure out what is going on. Why do you think Michael Flynn did not even acknowledge the testimony on Capitol Hill by Colonel Earl Matthews about January 6th?

Notes to Readers:

Interesting. So, now you know who is behind the DEW attacks on various American (and foreign) cities and communities. The Deep State faction of the Space Force. This is the American version of the Nacht Waffen (Dark Fleet) that has been working behind the scenes since the 1940’s, funded by black money. This unacknowledged Space Force was run by the Nazis inside the military industrial complex, in league with the defense contractors who succeeded in reverse engineering assorted highly advanced ships and weaponry. This particular Deep State entity was not forced to leave the solar system in 2021 when the “official” Dark Fleet (Nacht Waffen) based in the Antarctica was forced to leave along with their allies the Ciakahrr and the Orion Nebu Greys.

This was the forces who were abducting men and women and putting them involuntarily into super soldier programs, 20 years and back. Now, these forces need to be exposed to the world and removed as this renegade force has possession of advanced weaponry that can do a lot of damage.

It was not just communities that were targeted by DEW attacks but also forest and grasslands (witness the huge grass fires in Texas earlier this year).

Unless the military personnel who are a part of the DS-sponsored missions step up and act as whistleblowers, they will be held accountable for crimes against humanity, just like their higher-ranking officers. By following the commands to destroy and kill Americans, they have committed high treason. The sentence is death.


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