There is a 60-year PLAN and EACH of you are a part of it!

There is a 60-year PLAN and EACH of you are a part of it! Until you wake up, we will fight for you!!!

The Fall of the Cabal Series

The plan started back soon after the assassination of JFK… and we’re living through the final stages… We are fighting the Marxists who took over America after the death of JFK. The Marxists are the globalists, the Zionists, the 1%, those who control the central banks, run the corrupt systems, the drug/weapons trafficking, human trafficking, black market organ trafficking, sex trafficking, and pedophile networks.

Believe it or not. It’s your choice, although the Plan will play out whether or not you accept the responsibility to join with the covert army of Anons and military. The masonic filth will be removed (33rd degree +). The Satanists will be removed. The Zionists will be removed. The Swamp will be completely drained.

This is the final phase of the OPERATION. All of the intelligence agencies will be taken down. EVERYTHING will be revealed. There will be deconstruction of every federal agency. If you don’t come forward as a whistleblower, you will be arrested.

Our independence day from the Deep State is approaching.

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