Un-brainwashing the Public – BioClandestine

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

Let’s say you’re Trump in 2017.

You’re newly sworn in as President, and you’re surrounded by people who want you dead. They are trying to frame you with crimes, remove you from office, and obstruct any efforts to expose their criminality.

Your mission is to “drain the swamp” and eradicate the corrupt establishment, while all levels of government and the private sector are hellbent on stopping you. Intelligence community, Congress, MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Hollywood, Academia, etc.

Also, the majority of the population have been heavily propagandized to believe you’re a Russia asset. They have been brainwashed for decades to worship the politicians and institutions that have enslaved them, and they don’t believe that a “Deep State” exists.

How do you go about solving this problem? How do you convince hundreds of millions of brainwashed citizens that they are subjects of an Orwellian dystopia, their perception of reality is false, and their ruling class are legitimately evil?

Do you just start arresting all bad actors and deal with the uprisings, civil war, breakdown of society, and mass civilian casualties?

Or do you try to un-brainwash the population first? And what would an “un-brainwashing” process look like? What would be the timeline?

Once you start observing from this perspective, more pieces of the puzzle start to fit into place.

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Notes to Readers:

Folks, it would seem most of today’s posts are inter-related, more pieces of the proverbial puzzle so y’all can arrive at your own conclusions as to what is really going on…

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