Col Randy Cramer USMC: SSP, Psionics, Geopolitics/Disclosure, Vallodian Healing Technique

Col Randy Cramer USMC: SSP, Psionics, Geopolitics/Disclosure, Vallodian Healing Technique

Typical Skeptical Podcast

Colonel Randy Cramer is active military.

  • Eisenhower and MJ12 program – Ike started a military intelligence group in 1954.
  • Chaotic situation – lot of personnel and agencies are nearly invisible…
  • Some good, some dark… some of the people did anything to get the job done… reverse engineering
  • You can’t untangle these programs as some personnel will face criminal charges due to what they’ve done (kidnappings, murder, etc.).
  • The danger of continued secrecy is far more dangerous than telling the truth
  • Who is in charge of military abductions? Area 51, Groom Lake, S4… experimental air force base, S4 is where ET bodies and ships have been kept
  • There is a whole list of agencies and facilities that have NEVER been revealed – Randy can’t divulge these positions, locations, some of it is off-world in space, mobile facilities & personnel
  • It’s not the CIA, DOD, NSA, etc., but agencies created by CIA & DARPA, separated through so many degrees of separations for the past 40 years. These agencies become islands until themselves. Nearly invisible. They are keeping their heads down low to avoid exposure.
  • Intelligence agencies vs DOD – the intelligence agencies know of ETs while the DOD completely deny the existence of ETs. There is NO Congressional oversight.
  • Unraveling this spaghetti mess is difficult… it is not easy to extract the facts
  • Northrup – Grumman is building the TR-3B and further models
  • People within the Congress and Executive branches will need military personnel to seize these sites…
  • The layers of secrecy are ABOVE the President
  • Someone with authority will probably have to arrest private/government personnel to get access to the technology that has been reversed engineered (for decades)
  • interesting discussion. Whistleblower Act… David Groesch… Non-(Earth) human intelligence is REAL.
  • Skiff hearings in Congress…
  • Petro-chemical industry is also resistant to bringing out free energy solutions…

Really good discussion.

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