Religion is a Control Mechanism of the Dark

[They] infiltrated Atlantis.
[They] infiltrated Ur.
[They] infiltrated Sumeria.
[They] infiltrated Uruk.
[They] infiltrated Babylon.
[They] infiltrated Mesopotamia.
[They] infiltrated Sodom.
[They] infiltrated Gomorrah.
[They] infiltrated Egypt.
[They] infiltrated Assyria.
[They] infiltrated Judah.
[They] infiltrated Israel.
[They] infiltrated Greece.
[They] infiltrated Sparta.
[They] infiltrated Macedonia.
[They infiltrated] Persia.
[They] infiltrated Carthage.
[They] infiltrated Rome.
[They] infiltrated Gaul.
[They infiltrated] Arabia.
[They] infiltrated Judea.
[They] infiltrated the Charlemagne Court.
[They] infiltrated Samaria.
[They] infiltrated Constantinople.
[They] infiltrated Scandinavia.
[They] infiltrated the Ottoman Empire.
[They] infiltrated the Mongols and Huns.
[They] infiltrated the Mughals.
[They] infiltrated the Venetians.
[They] infiltrated the Neopolitans.
[They] infiltrated the Celtic Isles.
[They] infiltrated the Vatican Church.


They] infiltrated the Knights Templar.
[They] infiltrated the Apostles of Christ.
[They] infiltrated the British Royal Families.
[They] infiltrated the Spanish Royal Families.
[They] infiltrated the Germanic Kingdoms of Old.
[They] infiltrated the Russian Romanov Dynasty.
[They] infiltrated the Swedish Royal Families.
[They] infiltrated the Sultans.
[They] infiltrated the (first) Masons.
[They] infiltrated the Teachings of Mohammad.
[They] infiltrated the Teachings of Yeshua (the Christ).
[They] infiltrated the Teachings of Sidhartha Guatama (the Buddha).
[They] infiltrated the Teachings of the Zohar and the Ayurveda.

They have infiltrated everything in all of known history.

Challenging Thinking:
The letter “J” did not appear until the year 1524 AD, and originates from the Greek Letter “i”. What was Jesus’ REAL name?


“Jesus” with “i” becomes “iezus”.
“Iezus” -> “Izeus”?


👉 RealSGAnon (

What happened in the Court of the Emperor, immediately before the Edict of Milan by Roman Emperor Constantine, in 4th century AD?
The choosing of the Deity for the new State-Religion of Christianity?

Izeus Horus Christos -> Jesus H. Christ.

Ancient Secrets.
Difficult Truths.



👉 RealSGAnon (

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Notes to Readers:

When I see the term: “God will save us”, etc., I wonder what “god” are they talking about. Religion is a very touchy subject for a lot of people, especially those who are still convinced that their “god” is the only god or the best… whatever.

Until folks recognize religion has been used as a means to control, divide and conquer Earth humanity, they aren’t really fully awake.

Christians will proclaim Yahweh as their god… even though Yahweh was a title used sometimes for the god of the Old Testament. In reality, Yahweh was Enlil, the hybrid half-breed Ciakahrr-Anakh, second son of Emperor Anu of the Anakh Empire, the Commander of the Sky Armies who arrived here on Ki (Earth) some 375,000 years ago. I’ve gone over this history before. I suggest those who are having a hard time understanding these concepts to take a look at the work of Paul Wallis, Billy Carson, Elena Danaan and Corina Pataki. These researchers have read the ancient texts, dissected their true intent — as stories of ancient history, much of it pre-flood.

Elena has also visited the concept of Christ Consciousness in one of her webinars. The second coming of Jesus, Yeshua, or whatever you want to call this wonderful Teacher, cannot be found in the Bible. This was another made-up story to get people to give over their personal sovereignty and power and to wait passively until some savior came along. The dark secret societies played a major role in planting these sterile seeds into the human collective.

You cannot be “saved” by accepting Christ in your life; that is a fallacy perpetrated by the Freemasons, Jesuits and evangelical churches, all of which that have been infiltrated by the Satanists, the sons of Beliel, descendants or adherents to the dark teachings handed down by the priests of Enlil from the Mount of Zion.

Our history has been pretty messed up and what you find in your history books today are largely made up of falsehoods. One day, real history will be presented without the Freemasons and Jesuits getting it garbled up again.

As for the Cross being a symbol for the risen Christ, recently Paul Wallis and his colleague Matthew LaCroix visited the site of an ancient mountaintop temple in Turkey. There were crosses carved into granite there, symbols derived from a pre-flood civilization of vast sophistication as the temple stones were carved from granite, some of the hardest stone known. Later tiers of masonry were built from clay bricks, which has melted and deteriorated due to the passage of time, weather and the frequent earthquakes experienced in the region. Paul and Matthew will be conducting more expeditions to the region later on. Obviously, the cross was used by the Vatican. It wasn’t the only ancient symbol that has been corrupted by the black magicians of Enlil and the Ciakahrr.


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