Alex Collier: Swiss Alps Revelations & the Green Sun Explained

Mysteries Uncovered: Swiss Alps Revelations & The Green Sun Explained by Alex Collier!

  • Switzerland has been a refuge for the Khazarian Mafia leaders
  • The Swiss people are not dark
  • A lot of gold has been stored in Switzerland inside vaults – storing near plutonium mines (B.S.)
  • There is a lot of technology stored there — tech coveted by the dark Cabal, found in the desert
  • Alex can’t say much…
  • There are tunnels that go directly to the Vatican, which is also controlled by the Cabal
  • The Alliance is in control – still cleaning up pockets of “jerks”
  • Green Sun? Our eyes don’t see it. Technology sees it by measuring the frequencies. Our sun is going through a Helium transition… Solar flash?
  • Do you remember your past life as a Templar Knight? He does… before the Templars were infiltrated. Rabbi Roi and Simon of Suriya (sp?)… most of the history we’ve been taught is not true; it was altered to fit a political agenda

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