Marines Arrest U.S. Ambassador to UN for Treason – The Digital Soldier Press

Marines Arrest Linda Thomas-Greenfield U.S. Ambassador to UN for Treason

The Digital Soldier Press and Mortal Man Productions

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Notes to Readers:

Another Deep State puppet is arrested along with her husband. Mrs. Thomas-Greenfield was in the process of arranging for “Blue Helmets” Peacekeepers to be present on U.S. soil during the presidential election in November. These “peacekeepers” would be an armed invasion force. As stated in the article, the Marines would kill them on sight if even one steps onto American soil and rightly so. You can expect Trump to remove the U.S. from the United Nations, WHO, WEF, and an assortment of other international associations… and probably join BRICS to apply yet another nail in the coffin of the Cabal’s central banking system.

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