Benjamin Fulford Report: Octagon Group, G7 sue for peace, but very nasty surprise still possible – FULL REPORT (link)

Notes to Readers:

My usual “source” for this report, Prepare For Change, did not carry Ben’s report today, so I went to an earlier “source”, Era of Light.

I will note Prepare For Change has some New Age stuff that is IMHO just as much rubbish as does Era of Light, for instance, material from Cobra… You can go to their website and make up your own mind about what is being presented as “truth”.

I also made a brief visit to Ben’s website, noting that he did cut off the early reporting to the normal Cliffhanger… You need to be a subscriber to his newsletter to view the entire report on Mondays, or happen to stumble upon it like I did… but I only posted a portion of the report.

Having been a participant in the New Age community for some years, decades really, I feel I can comment on what I now view as pure poppycock, intel that is completely false and probably associated with the remaining influence of the Orion Gray black goo. I was also a channeler, but that ceased when I finally came to my senses and realized that I was being influenced by subtle forces outside of myself that weren’t in service to Source.

The only beings you should communicate with are your own soul cluster or possible spiritual mentors who are overseeing your “mission” here on Terra.

It is important to seek within first and then verify all information using trusted outside sources. Unless you are experiencing physical contact with ETs, it is likely you are being manipulated by something or someone else.

When “contacted” by any source via telepathy, immediately demand their identity, and place of origin using the proper names of the planet and solar system in their language or an Terran facsimile. For example, the Pleiades is what we call the Seven Sisters in the Taurus constellation, but the people there call them the Mana Hiri, Daughters of the Mother. What we call Taygeta is called Ashaara by the members of the Galactic Federation. The peoples of the Ashaara solar system are descendants of the Ahel, Taali, and Noor, who fled the Man solar system (Kepler 62) in the Lyra constellation during the course of the Lyran Wars. The new residents of the Mana Hiri initially came under the protection of the already existent Anakh Empire with its emperor, Anu, father of Ea and Yuh (Enki and Enlil).

You can discover more about this galactic history by reading Elena Danaan’s books on the subject, watching her videos, and attending her webinars.

The “Mother” of the ancient Lyrans is their appellation to the Creator, Source of all material or physical life.

Now, in case you think I am a “follower” of Elena Danaan, I am not. I simply have discovered her information and that of those who are associated with her (a soul cluster, if you will) like Dan Willis, Dani Henderson, Michael Salla, etc. is scientifically based. Elena communicates via an implant (originally placed as a tracking device by the Greys and then retuned after her rescue from an abduction episode to an unhackable GFW frequency) to convey messages from her contacts within the Galactic Federation of Worlds (Oraa Nataru Shaara), the Intergalactic Confederation (The Seeders), the Council of Alnilam and other galactic organizations. Elena is not involved with the negotiations currently taking place between those star nation representatives who are participating in building The Hub, setting up military level cooperation with star nations (The Earth Alliance) or beginning new commercial enterprises within the solar system. Elena’s current role as emissary to the GFW is to convey the latest disclosure news to the public, assisting in the spread of coherent and logical information that can be (eventually) verified by other sources, not something emerging from a unverified and unqualifiable “channeled” source.

With the help of Elena’s presentations, we are learning more about our own solar system, that there already exist star nation colonies on various moons and planets within the Sol system, which gives greater meaning to the phrase, “We are not alone”. Indeed, our own planet contains several bases, under the oceans, inside mountains, and within Inner Earth, that belong to several different star nations. Terra, Ki, Earth and her inhabitants have been monitored for a very long time by an assortment of life forms. One day this information will be widely disseminated to the public. Right now, due to censorship pressures, you have to actively seek it, following your own intuition, gut reactions, to see if the material resonates with your present level of awakening. Having been on this journey since childhood, I can verify through my own experience that there exists several layers of the awakening process.

If you are skeptical about Elena’s claims, that’s okay. It is healthy to be skeptical. Question everything and ask, within, for guidance and clarity. It will come… when you are ready to hear it and not before.

In Joy,

Eliza Ayres

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