Schumann Resonance off the scales…

Notes to Readers:

So, I go on my walk… no energy or lack of my usual energy levels. So, I shortened the walk today.

Anyone else dealing with physical manifestations, emotions, etc. coming from this latest influx of Cosmic energies?



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10 Responses to Schumann Resonance off the scales…

  1. Anonymous says:

    Hi Eliza, A BIG YES to your question. No energy, nerves tingling, sleepless and nauseated. Nice combo! I’m doing my best to stay centered though the center is constantly moving. Like Alex, I won’t be doing this again! Much love, Altea


    • Eliza Ayres says:

      Altea – I felt more nauseous on Monday before the surge and didn’t sleep well. However, last night (Tuesday) I slept pretty well. Still, dragging my butt today and not very hungry. I will certainly read the fine print before signing up for another “mission” on Terra or any other planet recovering from the inroads from the Nebu and Ciakahrr in this galaxy. I need a vacation!
      ❤ Eliza


  2. Anonymous says:

    I have been feeling more emotional every day! My empathy levels are off the charts which can be hard to handle when you feel so much of others’ pain/suffering! Everything feels more intense on the inside. 💓


  3. Patricia says:

    Hi Eliza,

    What does the Schumann double blackout mean for us? I’ve been fatigue for a long time. Weird dreams. Anxiety and wanting to get out of this place.


    • Eliza Ayres says:

      Intense flows of Cosmic rays are incoming to our solar system right now. This is designed (by Source) to aid in our ascension. As your body adjusts, you will undergo some fatigue, perhaps need a change in diet, require more rest (although sleep might not be possible). Keep hydrated, eat lightly, exercise lightly (walking or swimming is good), ground in Nature. Ascension is not an instantaneous occurrence. The body requires time to adjust. Keeping things “light” helps. If you’re experiencing weird dreams, it could mean you are doing extra processing while sleeping. Anxious? You’re changing. Want to escape? You can’t short of dying right now, so get comfortable (as much as possible), practice plenty of self-care, take a shower or bath, walk in a park, spend time alone if you can, keep the schedule light. I know parents will have time constraints… so do your best. Meanwhile, do your own research on these things. Barbara O’Neill and Cultivate Elevate have great suggestions for natural remedies. And know that you’re not alone. If you’re aware of these feelings, you’re more in touch with your physical avatar than most people. Remember, you volunteered to come here during this transitional period. Journal out your feelings and dreams if you can remember them. Right now, all I want to do is sleep, even when sleep doesn’t come… the body is striving to adjust so be kind to yourself. ❤ Eliza


  4. patbarnamez says:

    Me, too. I never take naps, but I feel the need to. Yet I don’t. I always sleep hard but lately have been waking up several times nearly all at the same time. Last evening, I didn’t feel well. My abdomen was bothering me. I have been oversleeping most mornings these past two weeks. Very unlike me. I know about the changes happening to us all. I didn’t know if it would affect me. It is. I am welcoming the changes as best as I can. Better to go with it than to fight it. Love to all!


  5. Anonymous says:

    As Pam Gregory says, ‘I welcome the incoming expanded Love Consciousness’.

    The Universe is trying to help us out here with as much as we can physically cope with. Go with the flow and for me that is often laying in bed wide awake during the early hours meditating on Pam’s guidance and trying to piece together and name the qualities in the world that I want to see arise from the shift of our times.
    Treat ourselves gently, it’s a very wild ride for the near while. I for one (now that I’ve invested so much) want to be here for the next exciting episodes.


  6. nickygolf says:

    I am having similar symptoms and in addition extremely high blood pressure. A guide I sometimes work with is saying my physical body is catching up with the higher frequencies I have recently been developing and there are no physical issues at this time. I too would like to be here as the shift in consciousness plays out, so I am going with the flow as it unfolds. Nick


    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you nickygolf for your comment re extremely high blood pressure… very, very helpful to yours truly. Much love, Altea


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