Assange is Free!

From Dr. Michael Salla:

Congratulations to Julian Assange and Wikileaks for finally getting Assange freed from a British prison after reaching a plea deal over leaking classified US docs. After his return to Australia, I hope Assange quickly regains his health and resumes his efforts to bring transparency to a vastly overclassified world of “Special Access Programs” that have zero or little accountability. This is especially the case with UFO/extraterrestrial related projects occurring worldwide in secret government, military and corporate facilities.

The timing of this “release” is most curious:

You are witnessing the liberation of the man who has the raw_file_copies of the entirety of the HRC/Wash DC/DNC “email server corruption”

Fast and Furious
Extortion 17
Comet Ping Pong
$60K “pizza parties”
Gun running— Latin America
CIA “rogue ops” against American public
Bush war crimes Fallujah
Bush war crimes Mosul
Gilgamesh tomb emails
Obama war crimes Libya
Obama war crimes (Saud) Afghanistan, Sudan, Philippines, etc etc etc
Child sacrifices
Ritualistic cannibalism – government pulpits
Taxation without representation
FBI rogue operators
FBI “plot to kill” POTUS(DJT) pre-2016 election
Foreign mil intelligence lobby control over US Congress (via fronts) — CCP, MI6, Mossad, CIA

“The server brings down the house”

👉 RealSGAnon (

Stand Tall Patriots,
Your continued “holding the line” has changed the digital landscape forever.

Can you imagine what Julian has to say to the world?
Can you fathom the impact it will have, after years of being iconized as the penultimate and exemplary “digital martyr/resistance”?

He will be the #1 guest on the largest alt-media platforms in the Western world, and in all podcast circles, conceivably for many months to come.

He will change political history even more than he already has.

And he will get to savor the justice against the deep state that he deserves, every step of the way forward.

WWG1WGA #GodWins #JulianAssangeFree

👉 RealSGAnon (

“Trust” Kansas?

~ ~ ~

Notes to Readers:

Julian Assange has been flown back to Australia, finally freed from captivity. He is an important piece of the puzzle for the disclosure project. We can expect him to share more of his story in the near future… And if the Deep State was still in power, Julian Assange would be dead today… just like Seth Rich and many other whistleblowers. It seems that we’re about to experience a perfect STORM of disclosure, followed by more arrests…

Eliza Ayres

“187” = murder, usually by contract

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