Military Operations Surrounding Julian Assange

by Q The Storm Rider

CABLES >]: The FAKE BODY DOUBLE of Julian Assange was killed in London Jail in 2020 and another body Double was placed into custody.


The REAL CABLES>]; WIRES of Military operations had Julian Assange in protective custody. Remember Pompeo CIA director said he wanted to kill Assange. Then news stories broke that the U.S. Government plotted to kill Assange trended in social media, because the CIA did go after him and did kill the body double in 2020. Then another body double was placed by white hats (they were trolling the CIA/ deep state).

The REAL story is TRUMP’s (w/world Associates) paid for Assange’s defense. (Trump did personally wire funds also… All this WILL come out in due time with paper trail)
Assange was placed into protective custody this whole time.

Remember two months ago i told you KEEP YOUR EYES ON ASSANGE > i said this because i got CABLES>] that white hats were going to make a move and free him ( the reason for this is white hats in Military intelligence obtained the ASSANGE KILLSWITCH: The hundreds(/thousand) of terabytes of data connected to Hillary Clinton, pizzagate, pedophile rings connected to Epstein and ELITES> P. DIDDY> HOLLYWOOD. This was all THE DATA TERABYTES hidden in the Internet through certain unopened email accounts and locked chambers in the deep web, including real software and servers of WikiLeaks that was hidden in secure banks.

NOW, the White Hats/military have FULL control of the servers, software, and the Assange Internet KILLSWITCH programs. They have finished all their investigations and sealed indictments connected to ALL THE INFORMATION WIKILEAKS HAD STORED IN THEIR KILLSWITCH OPERATIONS.

There is Major panic at the Pentagon and the CIA , deep state military intelligence and Washington DC ELITES as the real ASSANGE makes a real reappearance. They know there is no use to kill him now because the military have all the data, servers and the KILLSWITCH KEYS.

There is true panic in DC among the corrupt three letter agencies and deep state military leaders as the KILLSWITCH HOLDS THE KEYS TO THE REAL EVENTS OF 911, including documents, emails and phone calls connecting Bush, Cheney, Clinton, the CIA, and DARPA to 911 EVENTS. A big part of the attempt to bring Assange down by the Deep State was to cover up the adrenochrome network connected to the Clinton’s human trafficking and John Podesta’s pedophilia rings, to Epstein’s operations, to Hollywood, P. Diddy, all top elites and music executives.

Now there is PANIC as the Rockefellers and the Carnegie endowment (CIA operators) + Elites are in desperate to create new laws to stop WHISTLEBLOWERS and any accusations against the CIA and Pentagon for corruption connected to human trafficking, conspiracy and slanderous accusations. Right now, the Democrats are preparing a Bill to stop Whistleblowers or EXPOSURE of Podesta and the Clinton’s connection to pedophile rings and trafficking, torture rituals and adrenochrome.

Remember, I told you months ago that this was going to return. Trump also stated he wanted to expose Anthony Weiner. This is ALL connected to ASSANGE and MILITARY OPERATIONS. This is why there is complete panic inside Hollywood and the top echelons of the music industry.

CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN is very busy with USSF and the ASSANGE KILLSWITCH KEYS, but at the same time U.S. military have been hosting Mexican nationals for emergency training in the Colorado Rockies. There are large underground bunkers located near Cheyenne Mountain Military Base.

The reason the white hats are secretly training thousands of Mexican nationals for war and battle is because they are being sent back to Mexico in underground Maglev Trains after their training in the U.S.

There is panic in some parts of the Patriot communities that CHEYENNE mountain has been taken over by criminal cartels and Mexicans, but this far from the TRUTH. The REAL TRUTH is white hats are training tens of thousands of Mexicans for a revolution to overthrow the Mexican government which has been controlled by the CIA operations for over a half a century.

I have been telling you and giving you DROPS years ago before anyone that TRUMP was going to go after certain cartels in Mexico and use the military. Now the past months, it has been reported in MSM and Rolling Stone that Trump is going to use military
operations. This is the REAL TRUTH. These operations have already begun and Cheyenne Mountain maglev (underground railroads) have been shipping weapons and trained Mexican soldiers back to Mexico.

You have more than you know, dear Patriots

Military is the only way.


We have been giving you the real information since 2014 on all EVENTS happening…. Thank you, dear Patriots

Update 06:18 EDT, 6.26.24:

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Notes to Readers:

Oh, this is verrra interesting! And explains a lot of what has been going on, even in terms of at least some of the illegal aliens who crossed through our southern border. What is real? Who knows at this point.

Julian Assange is free and the globalists are sh*tting in their collective pants. Makes me very happy.



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