Redacted: “They’re planning a FAKE alien invasion” as the ULTIMATE false flag

“They’re planning a FAKE alien invasion” as the ULTIMATE false flag | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Guest: Dr. Michael Salla

Here’s my interview on Redacted discussing the alien false flag implications of the amendment to the NDAA for 2025 making enrollment in the Selective Service System automatic for males between 18-26, which is a necessary step to reinstating the military draft. “They’re planning a FAKE alien invasion” as the ULTIMATE false flag | Redacted.

The U.S. government has passed a new mandatory conscription plan, for males 18-26 and even females (still in planning stage).

Interesting discussion.

Justification is looking at Ukraine conflict that large-scale formations of infantry. Actually, this is decades old and out of date. Michael feels the military wants to have millions of young men against cloned “aliens”. This is a contrivance to get the population to give up their rights, suspend legal rights… Soldiers have to follow orders.

All MSM is on the same page about “aliens among us”.

Clayton asks, “Why?”

What is the false flag goal? Cryptoterrestrials?

End goal would be centralizing power in the military industrial complex that would lock any future Trump administration into another endless war. Shifting attention away from the idea of an invasion from ET off-worlders.

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