Alex Collier | Cosmic Forces @ Play: How Plasma & Solar Winds Shape Our Future

Alex Collier | Cosmic Forces @ Play: How Plasma & Solar Winds Shape Our Future – Webinar #37

Alex Collier Official

🌍🛠️ Join Alex Collier, a respected Andromedan contactee, in Webinar #37 from July 21, 2017, as he explores the dynamic changes our planet and solar system are undergoing. This session dives deep into the alterations in Earth’s magnetic field, our solar system’s journey through a vast plasma belt, and the intensifying solar winds. These cosmic phenomena are not just astronomical events; they have profound effects on humanity and the very fabric of our existence.

Alex discusses how these changes are influenced by the Central Sun of Sagittarius A, and how they’re beneficial for DNA repair and enhancing consciousness. The unique ability of plasma to permeate matter reveals new dimensions of how these energies impact life on Earth. Throughout the webinar, Alex emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset to harmonize with these transformative energies.

  • The weather is crazy now…
  • Our solar system has moved into a MASSIVE plasma belt
  • This will probably get worse before it gets better (this was in 2017), the microbursts, the rain/flooding, solar winds
  • The solar winds and solar winds that are carrying plasma from Sagittarius A from the center of our galaxy. As the central sun is pulsing frequency and information… we have outer planetary bodies passing through, it makes for a perfect storm
  • Stock food storage, short term or long term – the weather makes availability to food sources questionable
  • The earth is alive, she is expressing herself, she is healing her ecosystems on and below the surface; we just have to go along with the ride
  • As matter becomes more charged with plasma, the energy increases, rise in frequency, the atmosphere, there is SHIFT.
  • It may be a while we can grasp the concept of what is going on
  • Focus on what you want…
  • Plasma can move through matter; keep things positive, light… you don’t want to go negative field. Positive field is better. Pretend to be positive… only you can find ways to make yourself feel positive… whatever it is, look for ways to keep positive.
  • TPTB, all they care about is making you afraid. Keeping you in negative field and fear, you are not empowered. If you are not empowered, they are in control.
  • The Cabal is literally cornered in a box… their power structure sits on institutions, that are managed by middle management. They are in open rebellion. All the promises made by the elite to the middle mgmt., is all B.S. The media is completely controlled.
  • Bottom line, this is a good thing. However, many people don’t know what to do.
  • Most in government structures don’t know how to think for themselves, they take orders
  • The focus is now shifting to “we have to protect ourselves” – most of these people are bureaucrats, they’re not leaders…
  • There is going to be a period of chaos because the elites are fleeing to their bunkers…
  • Earth resets are cyclical – the knowledge of these resets has been suppressed, but humanity survives.
  • etc.
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