Dangerous Dames | Ep. 32: Aurora Anomaly or HAARP Magic?

The Dangerous Dames return this week to discuss the aurora anomalies and the recent dip as far south as the Sunshine State. And the speculations of psyops, using HAARP’s technology to manipulate the sky.

Note to Readers:

There are HAARP facilities all over the planet now, not just the one in Alaska, which is rumored to have been shut down by the military.

Posted in Disclosure, geopolitics, Military, Science News | Comments Off on Dangerous Dames | Ep. 32: Aurora Anomaly or HAARP Magic?

How and Why the Khazars Hijacked Judaism

How and Why Khazars Hijacked the Jewish Faith

“Discussion from a mainly Islamic point of view of the history of the #Khazars. The Khazars converted en-masse to #Talmudic #Judaism in such numbers that today, most calling themselves “Jews” have nothing to do with the Biblical #Hebrews or #Israelites. Even the their religion is but a mangled inversion of Biblical #Torah. How did this situation come about, and what are the implications for history?”


~T-edit: They Were Forced To Choose A Religion by the Babylonian King in 395AD
As Their Canaanite Faith Was Too Disturbing. Too Much Human Sacrifice

If you’ve been around here a while, you know that we’ve written extensively about most all of this…there are some new tidbits within you would like be interested in understanding, with several threads combined into one. Take a look. Learn.

Note to Readers: There is no archived page available.

Note to Readers:

The Khazars who have masqueraded throughout history as Christians and Jews, are not Semites, yet they hide behind the convenient shield of “antisemitism” which they themselves erected to fend off their exposure to the world. This people are not fully human nor do they possess normal human empathy. If present in their offspring, it is soon weeded out through ritual abuse, torture, and in some cases, sacrifice. Many of their children are turned into trans, boys to girls and girls to boys. This perverse race is the Deep State, along with those minions they have managed to manipulate, blackmail, extort and bribe, including most of the U.S. Congress, military leaders, and CEOs of various multinational corporations, especially the military industrial complex.

Throughout history, these families have changed their names, their identities, their surface loyalties, their philosophies, secret societies, but have always retained loyalty to the agenda put forth by their masters, the off-world regressive Anunnaki reigned by Enlil, Commander of Armies, Ninurta, his son, and Marduk (aka Lucifer, Satan, Ra) until 2021, when their control over the solar system was destroyed by the Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation.

Today, the Khazars go by several titles: Communists, Marxists, Nazis, Zionists, and Jews. Bottom line, they are Satanists and followers of a blood cult that is thousands of years old. They are professional liars and always project their “sins” upon those who are not them. They regard non-Khazars, including other Jews, as lesser beings, not above the status of cattle, to be abused, kidnapped, sacrificed and eaten, their organs removed and sold on the black market.

Without their reliance and support from the advanced culture of the Ciakahrr and regressive Anunnaki faction of Enlil’s, these creatures’ agendas are now failing and are being successfully exposed through the largely covert world-wide military operation known as The Storm. Trump is the tip of the spear, but he is largely a figurehead, although currently Commander in Chief and wartime President.

When the war is ended, it will be up to humanity to discover who and what they truly are and why we were subjected to such abuse by an off-world regressive faction. Then, it will be time to rebuild our world into what we want.



P.S. There is more information on the Khazars available both on Telegram and X but you need to do your own research.

Posted in Consciousness, Culture, Disclosure, Earth History / Civilizations, ET races / species, exopolitics, Religion / Spirituality | Comments Off on How and Why the Khazars Hijacked Judaism

Alex Collier: Will Enki Scientists awakening impact our natural evolution? Q&A #30

Exclusive: Enki Scientists and Our Future Evolution – Alex Collier Reveals!

Alex Collier Official

🌌👽 Join us in this exclusive video where Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier answers intriguing questions from a recent Q&A webinar. Discover what role Enki scientists will play in our future evolution and what the Andromedans have to say about the mysterious Quantum Twine Device. 🛸✨

Notes to Readers:

I will add some comments to this post later, but now it’s time for a morning walk. It’s going to be a hot, humid day in Florida…


Posted in Disclosure, Earth History / Civilizations, exopolitics | Comments Off on Alex Collier: Will Enki Scientists awakening impact our natural evolution? Q&A #30

5.13.24: 80K+ attend Trump rally, tide is turning, PURE EVIL push is losing, narrative shift, AstraZeneca wake up. Pray!

5.13.24: 80K+ attend Trump rally, tide is turning, PURE EVIL push is losing, narrative shift, AstraZeneca wake up. Pray!

And We Know

Geopolitics, politics, Trump vs Deep State…

Love, intelligence, and common sense.

“God wins”

Well, the divinity within the People wins as they wake up and embrace personal sovereignty, connection to Source and each other.

Like I said before and will say again, I am not a church-going Christian. I connect directly to Source, not through any man even Yeshua, whom I love and admire for his courage and his mission. Christ consciousness is an inside job. We do not need anyone to lead ourselves except our selves, our Higher Self, and our connection and alignment with Cosmic Law.

The Bible is not the word of any god. It is a compendium of stories and teachings gathered from many other cultures and edited for an agenda in order to drive fear into men’s hearts. Religion was designed to divide, conquer and control humanity from uniting as one global consciousness aligned with our own beautiful planet. Heaven can be drawn to earth by raising up our own frequencies, aligning in peace with each other, finding the love that is within our hearts and expressing it to ourselves and each other.

If this upsets anyone, then you best find another blog to follow.



Posted in Consciousness, Disclosure, geopolitics, government, Politics | Comments Off on 5.13.24: 80K+ attend Trump rally, tide is turning, PURE EVIL push is losing, narrative shift, AstraZeneca wake up. Pray!

Did Russia and the U.S. Collaborate in developing Modern SSPs? | Exopolitics Today

Did Russia and the US collaborate in developing Modern SSPs?

Dr. Michael Salla – Exopolitics Today

Highlights from the May 4th Webinar on Russia’s secret space program. In this episode we take a refined look/listen at the first part of the 2.5 hour event. You may wish to dive deeper and experience the entire webinar.


  • People of the Vril (vril is also called “Ki”, “chi” or “prana”)
  • Helen Blavatsky
  • Maria Orsic, physic, given blue prints of space vehicle from Aldebaran ETs (there is an Anakhim colony in the Aldebaran star system)
  • Nazis took over the Vril space-time vehicle development
  • Nazi SS funded research all over the world looking for psychic information
  • William Thompkins – Selected by Extraterrestrials
  • Nazi Germany lost the ground war in Europe
  • Soviet Union enters the equation after seizing the information left over in German facilities, repatriated the aerospace industry left over from the Nazis. They began to study the hardware developed by the Germans.
  • Americans didn’t believe the Germans were being aided by ETs despite what their own Navy spies were telling them.
  • Soviet Union started “trophy brigades”, gathering anything interesting to compensate for loss of life in WWII, scouring liberated areas of Europe, learning how advanced Nazi programs were.
  • Americans started up Operation Paperclip
  • German scientists and their equipment were taken to the Soviet Union
  • Sergei Kurolev, Chief Designer of Soviet Space Program
  • The Soviets wanted to develop rockets to deliver nuclear weapons
  • Admiral Byrd returned from Antarctica talking about enemies who could travel faster than its own planes
  • Failed Operation Highjump
  • U.S. recognized WWII wasn’t over yet… the emerging 4th Reich. The U.S. Navy and Russia began their collaboration after WWII
  • Farsight Institute performed a remote viewing of Operation Highjump. DEWs were used to shoot down Navy craft. Human-looking aliens were piloting the flying saucer craft during the battle. (These could be humans from Altair or Aldebaran or Jayha in the Pleiades).
  • Soviet Union and U.S. collaborated to deal with the issue of the breakaway German colony in Antarctica and South America, the Dark Fleet.
  • Overtly these generals were facing off against each other, but it was a facade…
  • Other leaders of Great Britain, Australia, France, etc. were informed about this collaboration
  • The Deep State had ideology in alignment with the Dark Fleet… multi-faceted conflict
  • Deep State wanted to keep everything secret – the DUMBs and special access programs and black money
  • The Earth Alliance wanted positive results – working with the Pleiadians, Sirians, etc., positive ETs.
  • From Deep State perspective, they wanted to work with regressive ETs; they didn’t want to abandon nuclear weapons, gain advanced technology from non-human intelligence. They wanted to be very heavily weaponized.
  • Kennedy and Khrushchev wanted to collaborate on a joint secret space program
  • The Deep State didn’t want to collaborate with other nations… they wanted total control

Posted in Alternative Technology, Disclosure, Earth History / Civilizations, ET races / species, exopolitics, Galactic Federation of Worlds, geopolitics | Comments Off on Did Russia and the U.S. Collaborate in developing Modern SSPs? | Exopolitics Today

Delta Force Stops Trump Assassination Attempt at New Jersey Mega MAGA Rally

This was the 18th attempt on Trump’s life…

Posted in Disclosure, geopolitics, government, Intelligence agencies, Politics | Comments Off on Delta Force Stops Trump Assassination Attempt at New Jersey Mega MAGA Rally

BEN FULFORD: Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm, May 13, 2024

Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm, May 13th, 2024

Benjamin Fulford’s Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis

The white hat victory in the battle for the planet Earth is now becoming obvious in multiple ways. For example, as Reuters reports: “Talks to draw up a global pact to help fight future pandemics have ended without a draft agreement by the expected deadline…the World Health Organization said on Friday.”


We also now confirmed from Pentagon sources that the millions of military-age male illegal immigrants who came into the US since 2021 were brought in to enforce the planned implementation of the (now failed) Khazarian Mafia WHO pandemic treaty. These men will now be rounded up and sent home.  

There are many other signs of KM defeat we will discuss below. The implications of this are far bigger than most people realize. A good metaphor for what is about to happen is the movie “The Island.” In this movie, people were living in an underground bunker and were told they were sheltering from a natural disaster. However, lucky people would be allowed to go soon to an “Island paradise.” The reality is these people were clones whose purpose was to supply organs to rich clientele. Traveling to “The Island” meant organ removal and death. At the end of the movie, the clones were set free to live out their natural lives.

The equivalent is about to happen to all of us. We now live short, miserable lives and are literally worked to death far before our natural lifespans. Soon we will all be free, work 20 hours per week or less and live like millionaires for thousands of years.

If it sounds improbable consider the implications of this following news item:

A British girl has had her hearing restored after becoming the first person worldwide to take part in a pioneering new gene therapy trial.


This was accomplished by adding a few genes to the region of her ear. This is just one proof of the fact we have the ability to edit our genes in any way we want. It means we can change the genes that shorten our lifespans. We can also add superpowers such as the radar abilities of a bat or the eyes of an eagle.

Until now, the controllers of the planet forbade medicine from being used to enhance people. The only thing the medical community is allowed to do is to cure illness. The result was that pharmaceutical companies were given multi-trillion-dollar incentives to create illnesses in order to make money by curing them.

The Rockefellers and other owners of the privately owned non-governmental organization WHO have created cancer, HIV and countless other diseases in order to do just that. Imagine if they could instead make trillions of dollars by enhancing humans.

The old establishment put out all sorts of lame excuses as to why we must prohibit people from enhancing their genes. They are also spurious. For example, they say it would create genetic gaps between the rich and the poor. The answer to that is to make this technology available to anyone who wants it. They say it could cause permanent genetic changes that would be passed on to children. That’s a lie because we have the ability to undo these changes if we want. The only legitimate argument they make is that we need to make sure it doesn’t have unexpected side effects. This means careful testing is needed.

Also, it will be entirely a question of free choice. For sure, just like the Amish chose to stick with 19th-century technology, many people will choose to continue to live short, genetically un-enhanced lives. That would be their choice and who knows, maybe evolution will prove them right.

However, many of us will want to become virtually immortal super-humans. My own wish is to someday be able to convert my body into something like a dolphin so that I can explore the ocean. When I am finished exploring I can revert to human form. This is literally technically possible now.

The Khazarian Mafia owners of the WHO had very different plans. They wanted us to become genetically unable to resist their rule. Their plans called for the murder of 90% of humanity. All the survivors (except for KM members) would be given digital IDs that would link their access to food and everything else needed for survival to an obedience (social credit) score. They also had human breeding farms in the Ukraine and elsewhere. Here human females would be kept as sex slaves until disposal at around age 25. They would give birth to infants to be tortured for adrenochrome and used as meat. They would also breed obedient supersoldiers to enforce their rule.

The secret battle for the planet Earth was between these two alternative timelines for the future. One was the release of humanity to evolve as it chooses and thus start off a new Cambrian explosion. The other was the permanent enslavement of humanity at the service of a self-declared Nazi super race.

The Nazis have now been comprehensively defeated. The death of Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton Rockefeller and others ensured that. There will be more KM dominoes falling soon.

With that in mind, let us look at the geopolitical news of the past week because it is a snapshot of the shifting timelines.

The biggest change there came with…

The remainder of Monday’s newsletter is only available to members of BenjaminFulford.net holding a paid subscription. If you believe this message is being displayed in error, check that you are logged in to your account.

Cambrian Explosion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambrian_explosion

Source: https://benjaminfulford.net/failure-of-who-pandemic-treaty-means-the-sheeple-will-soon-be-released-from-the-human-animal-farm/

~ ~ ~

Editor: Emphasis on certain words and phrases was done by me. A link to the remainder of this report will be posted later in the week.

Also, according to Oona, emissary for the Intergalactic Confederation, Terra was placed on ONE TIMELINE in 2021, after the successful removal of the majority of non-terrestrial regressives like the Ciakahrr, the Orion Grays and their various allies. Our solar system is being protected by the Earth Alliance — soon to be the Sol Alliance with the addition of Mars — and a fleet of the Galactic Federation of Worlds. An Anakh fleet is outside the solar system and under orders from Anu and Ea of the Anunnaki.

The reason the plans of the Dark were/are no longer succeeding is that 1) the removal of their controllers means they no longer have space-based or inner earth support for their operations; 2) the frequency of the planet’s population is rising making it more difficult for the agenda of the Dark to remain hidden, and 3) Due to their being cut off from Source, these individuals are incapable of creativity and hence cannot come up with new ideas and plans. They simply follow the plans as laid out decades (and in some cases, centuries ago) by their controllers. Light equals intelligence. Being cut off from Source results in a permanent loss of light.

Keep in mind that everyone, including the dark players, are fractals of Source. When they leave this lifetime, they will be returned to Source, recycled. Energy cannot be destroyed, only altered or transformed.



Posted in Disclosure, geopolitics, Home | Comments Off on BEN FULFORD: Failure of WHO Pandemic Treaty Means the Sheeple Will Soon Be Released From the Human Animal Farm, May 13, 2024

Another Scamdemic in the works?


If there is a Bird Flu (H5N1) HOAX then … (T: patented = manmade)

… what will be the SMOKING GUN to look for in advance❓


There will be certain repeat patterns if the Deep State attempts another Scamdemic however there is one tell-tale signature give away you should be ready to spot.

Here it is:

The normal flu season will completely disappear. (Again)

What you will see in real-time is that normal flu test kits will return negative results❗️(Again).

The batches of new kits will suddenly all be rigged to read negative. (Again).

Old kits will still be positive if patients are symptomatic. (Again).

However gradually the old kits will be used up and only new kits will be available – at this point the normal flu season will have magically disappeared. (Again).

In other words you will see a simultaneous exact substitution of bird flu (H5N1) for the normal flu❗️(Again).

This will occur worldwide.

The concomitant requirement is the PCR test kits used to detect H5N1 will be PROPRIETARY (secret) again. (Again).

These H5N1 PCR test kits will likely almost entirely be manufactured in China by CCP aligned companies. (Again).

The secret probes/primers used in these PCR test kits will actually attach to the normal flu and/or common cold depending upon the batches made. (Again)

Authorities (eg: CDC🇺🇸/TGA🇦🇺) will NEVER allow investigation of the PCR probes/primers used – citing confidential legalities. (AGAIN – we know the last one was FAKE).

Authorities will also NOT audit normal flu test kits until the HOAX has passed. (Again).

The scam will also be propagated using cycling values of over 40 to pick up any old debris. (Again – as opposed to 20 as required by mfg)

Of course using H5N1 is a rather daft virus to use because NO human-human transmission has occurred but that won’t stop them as it will abruptly appear. (Again).

Here are some other give away patterns to watch for:

1) Clusters of Nursing Home cases suddenly occur – eg: midazolam/morphine injected euthanasia.

2) Variants will be identified using Illumina Inc machines (sequencing-by-synthesis technology) only at limited specific selected/approved sites.

3) Electron Microscopy pictures of the ‘virus’ will be released/confined to select sites.

4) Genome mapping of the new ‘virus’ will show clear GOF (gain of function) features inconsistent with phylogenetic probabilities found in nature.

5) The genomes adduced from ‘variants’ will not occur from isolated and purified viral samples but rather from computer generated in-silico data held in libraries (eg: at the CDC).

6) Isolated and purified samples of variants will not be available even by FOIA requests.

7) The same MSM talking heads and Medical Organisations will spread the panic.

8) Clinical Studies, terrifying Infection Fatality Rates (IFR) and Epidemiological Data will be gamed to impart LOCKDOWNS.

9) New mRNA vaccines will apparently be ‘created’ based on library held in-silico variant genomes.

10) Harmful pharmacological protocols and ventilators will be mandated.

11) Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and simple/cheap prophylactic/early antibiotic regimes will be vilified.

Superimposed bacterial pneumonia will be undertreated.

12) Finally MAIL-IN BALLOTS in November will be the solution for all the problems created by the new ‘lethal’ bird flu ‘virus’❗️

There you go:

I’ve quickly written this all off the top of my head – it wasn’t difficult.

Hopefully the inappropriate culling of animals leading to a worldwide famine won’t occur.

Once again please BOOKMARK and DISSEMINATE.


~T edit: Everything contained here should read, AGAIN. Notes within.

Same old worn out playbook, for an election year. These CLOWNS never have anything new. Wash, rinse, repeat, and seemingly Americans are too stupid to see it. Of course, I mean humans, however I’d expect more simple baseline intellect and intelligence from Americans, alas, watch this shit play out. Again.

And here is a reminder why many hospitals and physicians went along with the first pandemic:

~ ~ ~

Notes to Readers:

Anons are and have been trained to be pattern-recognition specialists. This is a valuable skill when observing the repeated actions of the Deep State players. Why do these dark players use the same playbook again and again? It’s simple. When you’ve sold your soul to the Devil, you relinquish your connection to Source. With the passage of time and depending on how many crimes you commit, you lose light. Light equals intelligence. Without the connection to Source, there is no replenishment of light, therefore, the phrase, “These people are stupid”, is closer to actual fact than you might think. Stupid, yes; however, they are filled with hatred and are devious in nature. Whether blackmailed or conned into serving the Dark, they are fully aligned with the agenda and most often cannot be set back on a true course.

Doing your own research and being ever the observer of the outer is the best way to be able to move through these tumultuous times with a modicum of equanimity.

Peace in the heart, fire in the thought, work together.



P.S. Remember the so-called “experts”, scientists and researchers, are largely being bribed or blackmailed to do the bidding of the remaining Deep State.

This next scamdemic is also a test of your intelligence and how much you have incorporated into your consciousness during the past four years. Now why is another plandemic being placed into the collective consciousness? Think on this.

Posted in Disclosure, geopolitics, government, Medical industry, Politics, Psychology, Science News | Comments Off on Another Scamdemic in the works?

Beyond Blue Beam – Giants

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Laura Aboli – You can never be the same…

Peeling the onion…

You can never be the same….

Once you start to see, once you understand, once the transformation starts, you start shedding layers of unnecessary nonsense, of mistaken perceptions and egoic trappings.

None of it is easy, none of it is fun, but there is an unstoppable inertia that will keep you going no matter what. At times you’ll be tempted to look the other way, to stop, to give up, but deep down you know you can’t.

It no longer matters where the journey takes you, it no longer counts whether you want to get off the train or not, the process itself takes a life of its own and there is no turning back, no stop button, no eject mechanism.

You can never be the same because nothing is the same. As your level of consciousness increases so does your ability to recognise patterns, situations, circumstances, people and truth.

Now you can see beyond the matrix, beyond the deception, beyond yourself, beyond the physical and beyond the unimportant.

Your understanding of the meaning and purpose of life takes a different dimension and you finally stand a chance of living the life you were meant to live.

No, you will never be the same, but would you want to?


~ ~ ~

Notes to Readers:

While these past years have been difficult, they have also been transformative for me, for others. I have let go of so much and continue to do so. Whether it is simply belongings or a belief system that I followed for a decade or more, I have chosen to let go of these things as they no longer served me or the inner growth I wanted to see and experience. Am I perfect? No, I didn’t come here to be “perfect” and what is perfection but a transitory condition while in third density. Do I understand everything? Hardly. Yet, if I continue to delve into my inner being, learn and feel what I am truly, I will have access to more of the knowledge and wisdom gained from lifetimes of experience.

Letting go is hard for some people. There have been aspects that I haven’t been willing to let go of… yet. However, I’m willing to go there for the sake of my own soul evolution. If I affect a few souls through sharing my misadventures, then so be it.

We knew this mission wouldn’t be an easy one, yet we were willing to take the risk. It was through an act of free will that we have found ourselves immersed in a culture under severe attack by psychological warfare, a war for our minds. It is only by choosing to step out of the mind and listen to the language of the heart that we can escape the clutches of those who have endeavored to put us into fear. Then, by uniting heart and mind, we can overcome all efforts to take us down forever. It takes courage, determination and an attuning to the inner voice, the silent voice of intuition that guides you through the obstacles set in your way.

I knew things as a young person and was ridiculed by some as I attempted to share these ideas. Now, those things are being proven by quantum science. Could I explain how I just knew things without having a lifetime of scientific observation and training? No. Yet, I knew the truth… Only now are some people willing to set out of their little tight boxes of intellectual knowledge and to see, to question what they’ve come to accept on the word of other experts and authorities.

It is when you become your own inner authority, in alignment with the directions from your Higher Self and Source that you find you no longer require the outside directions coming from those who do not understand you or seek to control your actions and how you think. The only way to fend off these people is to stand in your sovereignty, take responsibility for your own decisions, and often, leave. It is not that you don’t love these folks; it is that you love yourself more and seek to discover what you really want.

Breaking through the massive conditioning to which we have all been subjected to all our lives takes courage and a quality of being stubborn, unwilling to accept the paucity of what is offered and presented to be “safe” and acceptable. It means stepping beyond what you have deemed possible.

We are… I am… a project underway, in progress. Will I complete the job I set out to do? Do I really understand what the mission entails or where it is taking me? No and no. Will I still persist? Yes. Why? Because it is what my heart tells me. I can explain it no better way. The language of the heart sometimes appears to be paradoxical but I have found it to be a reliable and always present guide in my life. The ones who remain puzzled by my actions are those whom I have chosen to leave behind in the wake of my inner passage.

Be here NOW and know that divinity resides within. Always.



Posted in #Ascension, Consciousness, Psychology, Self-mastery, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Evolution, spiritual healing | 2 Comments