Daily Archives: November 9, 2023

The Pleiadian Message: A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light

The Pleiadian Message: A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light Message via Barbara Marciniak https://www.pleiadians.com/ An oldie but a goodie…

Posted in #Ascension, Consciousness, Evolutionary Experiment, Self-mastery, Spiritual Awakening, Spiritual Evolution | Comments Off on The Pleiadian Message: A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light

Journal Entry: Waterfront Park, St. Joe Walkway

Today I chose another close-by trail, starting at Waterfront Park and following the Intracoastal Waterway north to Linear Park, all the way to beneath the Palm Coast Parkway Bridge. The trail is completely paved, partially shaded, and has provided benches, … Continue reading

Posted in Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | 1 Comment