Journal Entry – Lehigh Trail from Old Kings Road

Mixed canopy on Lehigh Trail

Today I tackled another chunk of the 8 mile Lehigh Trail, which is part of an old railroad right-of-way. I started the hike from the parking lot of the Hidden Lake Trail just off of Old King’s Road north of Royal Palm. I had to walk across the bridge over the canal along side the road and then hopped onto the paved Lehigh Trail. This trail is popular with bikers, walkers, and in-line skaters (none seen today). No restroom is provided off of Old King’s Road, but there is one at the trail terminus on Colbert Road. There are periodic benches and trash cans for those who want to rest, too.

New portion of Trail that goes south to meet up/end at SR 100th.

I followed the new bit of trail that heads south off the Lehigh Trail. It’s called the Graham Swamp Trail (there’s more than one!). The bridge had a concrete deck which I thought was interesting.

Graham Swamp is truly… a swamp!

The boardwalk/bridge extended over a low-lying area.

Autumn color from a Red Maple
I spied a Great Blue Heron wading around in the murky swamp
More autumn color
Another boardwalk/bridge

I turned around on the side trail and headed back to the Lehigh Trail. My goal today was to reach the turnaround place where I had finished my walk starting from the eastern terminus. I made it.

Autumn color & textures

There were squirrel sightings (always) and some birds, including the Great Blue Heron, some Black Buzzards, and tiny wrens flitting around.

The Black Buzzards enjoy cruising the thermal air currents when there is a wind present. Not today. It was humid and clouds were building.

It’s a jungle out there

Walking through this swamp jungle would not be a pleasant undertaking. It is full of venomous snakes, alligators, wild hogs, etc. Fortunately I didn’t spot any of the varmits today and was walking on a firm tarmacked path.

Eastern end of the trail

I found the eastern end of the trail to be prettier and more pleasant, with more protective tree canopy. The western end (at Old King’s Road) has a power line running parallel and all trees and shrubs have been cut back so as not to interfere with line repair (especially for hurricane damage).

I found out that Spanish Moss is an air plant. It isn’t a moss and certainly not Spanish having no nationality attached! Oaks in this lowland area frequently have Spanish moss hanging from them, blowing lightly in the occasional breeze. It’s a Southern thing.

Evidence this a popular bike route…

There were lots of people out although the trail is long enough to handle the crowds. Today was a holiday (Veteran’s Day being on the 11th). Government workers, banks and the Post Office get the day off.

Hidden Lake Trail

I ended my hike on the Hidden Lake Trail which allowed me to drop down off of Old King’s Road. The trail is one-mile long around Hidden Lake, but I didn’t walk it today since I had already completed 4+ miles.

Here’s a peek at Hidden Lake

Hidden Lake is well-named. It is mostly hidden even from the path.

Well, yet another walk done. I continue to learn more about my new surroundings, finding trails, parking lots, and access.

Perhaps sometime soon I can save up to get a cruiser bike so I can go farther on these outings.

The skies were mostly overcast today. Someone was chem trailing the skies trying to get a storm going, I guess. Florida does receive a lot of geoengineering from HAARP and chem trails. I can so do without it. I love the blue bird skies that are more natural to winter-time Florida.

And after all that effort, I treated myself to some tasty Mexican fare.

I hope you enjoy the photos such as they are.

Respectfully, Eliza

Camera: Nikon Coolpix L830

Location: Flagler County


This entry was posted in Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Journal Entry – Lehigh Trail from Old Kings Road

  1. Anonymous says:

    I always enjoy your ramblings and all the photos, esp since I know very little about Florida. Now at least I’m getting a feeling for the area you’re exploring… thanks Eliza! (Francie)


  2. pathwaytosovereignty says:

    Loving your photos and comments Eliza….and I agree with the comments above. It is giving me a view of Florida from down in Australia. Such a pleasure to receive. Libby


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