Why is the Movie Taking So Long | Eliza (repost)

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Why is the Movie Taking So Long?

Note to Readers:  Originally posted on April 24, 2022, it seems this article is, unfortunately still relevant.  Last night’s State of the Union Address made by the fake POTUS was an abhorrent joke, while U.S. Marshalls escorted participants and people’s masks were obvious.  Trump is giving out all kinds of comms these days, but the pain of the American people continues… The central banking system is about to collapse, Bitcoin will disappear in a puff of smoke.  Billionaires are buying up islands or building bunkers all to avoid whatever it is that they fear.  Is it us — the People?  For the people are awake now, especially after enduring the brutal destruction of our economy, the idiotic climate change schemes, billions of funds allegedly being sent to fuel an equally pointless war of aggression by NATO versus the Russian Bear, using Ukraine as its battering ram.  And people watching with horror as Israel commits wholesale genocide in front of the world, with no intention of stopping.  Will the madness ever end?  In this April 2024, a solar eclipse will cross the United States, from Texas to the Northeast.  Our nation is in dire straits and the People are now painfully aware of this fact as millions of unwanted illegal aliens stream across our borders, aided and abetted by the United Nations and Soros’ NGOs.  Our cities are in ruins, the farmers are threatened, our food is poisoned, and the People have been declared enemies of the state by the incompetent clown show fake president Biden.  The Department of Justice and intelligence agencies have been weaponized.  Debauchery and lewd behavior is becoming commonplace threatening the innocence of our young.  The public schools are indoctrination camps for good little communists and climate change activists.  I no longer recognize my country as the one I was born into… When will the military step forward into the Light or do we the People need to take up arms against that sorry excuse of a federal government on the foreign territory we call the District of Columbia?  They don’t serve us; they serve their own interests.  We don’t need them any more than the Brits need the corrupt Royals.  Freedom from slavery is our cry!

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I seem to discover great quotes on Telegram.  Here’s another one, from
“Iron Man”. No, I have no idea who this person is or where he comes from other
than he is possibly British, from his usage of “s” rather than “z” in
realization. The “z” is used in American English… Now for the quote:

“The fact we’ve been awake through this time. Seeing what we’ve seen.
Experiencing what we’ve experienced. The highs/ the lows. The moments of
elation / despondency. The feelings of persecution but then vindication. The
ultimate testing of our faith. Learning how to show compassion to those who
don’t deserve it. Finding the bravery (for some, for the very first time in
their lives) to stand in our truth at all costs.

Coming to terms with the realisation that we are in a war for humanity
and that memes are our weapon. Learning the definition of rest and how to
refuel. All this has caused a change as deep as our genetic level. These
experiences will endure in our souls and
make up our
genetic blueprints.

We will be another wartime generation that passes the stories down to
the younger generations, much like our grandparents did of the great wars of
the past. “What did you do Grandpa during the Great War against the Evil
Globalists who sought to enslave humanity?” “Son, I held the forkin’ line”.

In the words of the great Welsh rock band, The Manic Street Preachers,
“if we tolerate this, then our children will be next

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Yes, the movie, if that is indeed what we are in the midst of experiencing,
has gone on for a very long time. However, those of my parents’ generation
suffered through WWII, which for America lasted four to five years and for the
Europeans, much longer. And America has been involved in wars ever since… and
even before our own American Revolution.

Yes, I realize that many people have no clue that we’re in the midst of a
war, a real struggle for the future of humanity on this planet, but that is
what is happening.  Our world has long been under the overt and covert
control of a dark brotherhood, in some respects since the fall of Atlantis.
Many of our institutions have been designed to limit the aspirations, gifts,
and potential of humanity. Why, you might ask, because we freaking frighten the
bejabbers out of our erstwhile controllers. Even if we don’t realize our potential,
the Ciakahrr and the Nebu, do. As do the regressive, control-freaks who agreed
to go along with the Archonic agendas to keep humanity boxed up on a prison

Despite all of their considerable efforts, monies, devices, and plans, the
agendas set out over generations of dark actors… are failing and failing badly.
In fact, the agendas have already failed. What you are seeing now are
the rumors of war. Yes, the Ukrainian forces are getting the crap beat out of
them. The Ukraine is the last bastion of the Deep State and needs to be
cleansed of the Nazi forces present there. American and British mercenaries who
got caught up in that fight are realizing that they joined the wrong side or
they are learning about the efficiency of the Russian forces… very quickly.

So, how do you develop compassion for what you are seeing now in the world?
Well, that is a test of your discernment, not mine.  I’m not
going to tell you what to believe.

Before a person can develop compassion for others, they need to acquire and
learn compassion for themselves. It always comes down to what you feel,
how you react, if you are able to see the world for what it
is, if you can learn to accept yourself as you are.  One must
focus on the self and its place in this world. This is your primary focus.
Leave off the need to correct the actions and thoughts of others and focus on
what you are thinking and feeling.

In our Western culture, we have been taught to rely solely on the intellect,
the ego mind. Unfortunately, this mind is easily manipulated if it feels
threatened. Through long practice, people have been taught and learned to get
along to go along, a survival device given the harshness of life on this planet
in primitive times. What people don’t generally realize that the primitive
conditions have been largely contrived by outside forces, determined to keep
humanity at a hand-to-mouth subsistence level. Ancient, advanced cultures have
been destroyed, decimated by huge attacks by alien forces determined to take
control of this resource-rich planet, its water, its gold and minerals, and its
life forms, especially the humans.

The history of Terra is far too complex to cover in one essay, but let it
suffice, this genetic experiment has been interrupted numerous times by forces
with the intent in retaining their control over our human genome for their own
purposes.  Of late, there has been an attempt to alter our genetics, so we
become a permanent slave race. Fortunately, off-world forces and courageous
secret military allies have worked diligently to prevent that scenario from
being accomplished. Now, we are enduring the final revelation of all those
regressive alien agendas, drip by bloody drip.  This sort of revelation
could take place over a period of ten days with the Emergency Broadcast System
(EBS) relaying the taped confessions, trials, and executions of selected former
leaders of this planet… but the Alliance has not played this trump card as yet.

If you are tired and have little patience for those around us who have
fallen victim to the false narrative being played out by the mainstream media,
take a deep breath. Humanity has been subjected to centuries of trauma
and abuse; it will take more than two years to resolve and heal… and for some,
their programmed minds will not be able to comprehend the sheer magnitude of
the deception that has been perpetrated by every institution and system on the
planet, bar none… most especially those of government, finance,
religion/spirituality, and business.

When people begin to realize just how much has been done in a vain attempt
to destroy humanity by utilizing its own creative abilities, they will be
flabbergasted.  Some people will literally lose their minds, as their
already fractured egos will not be able to cope with the new knowledge that is
being presented. Never mind attempting to convince someone who has accepted and
made the programming their own; their cognitive dissonance will not allow them
to immediately release and let go.

For this reason, the starseeds and light bearers of the indigenous people of
this planet have been placed here, as seeds of light, germinating from within
the populace. The ethics (Prime Directive) of the Galactic Federation prevented
them from interfering with the trajectory of Earth’s evolution, until the Zenae
(Andromedan) Council brought forth their vision of what would happen
in approximately 350 years into the future, when the Nebu and the regressive
Reptilians succeeded in creating a hybrid Grey-human race of super soldiers and
then unleashed this aggressive force onto the rest of the Galaxy and probably
being directed to others. 

The Greys and Reptilians know our potential, our expansive creative
abilities, which once harnessed can transcend dimensions and
densities. Such an army of transhuman super soldiers would be practically
invincible and aligned alongside the battalions of the Nebu and Ciakahrr,
unstoppable. So, in an effort to halt the completion of this regressive alien
agenda, the Galactic Federation agreed to get involved in this fight to free
the planet of all alien presence. This has been a difficult process, as the
Nebu are capable of creating wormholes, artificial passageways through space
and time used to enter our solar system. Other alien ships have used cloaking
devices to remain hidden from the GFW patrols. Our enemy is not stupid or
complacent. They are determined to take back our planet and left programmed
humans behind to act as Trojan horses, designed to divide and conquer those who
were in the know… the truthers, the UFO community, etc.

For all of this complexity, witnessing the slow takedown and exposure of the
Deep State is extremely draining if you are seeing it from the perspective of a
3D human. Much of what is being presented on the media now is testing the
awareness and internal balance of those who deem themselves as being awake and
aware, but how much does their egos still fear being seen and found out.

For myself, I have had to admit that much of what I have been taught or read
through several decades, has been largely based on deception, lies, and
ignorance. There has been a core or thread of light that I have followed, but
sometimes the thread is dropped and my consciousness drops into fear… briefly,
then I pick up the skein, again, and continue on.

Long ago, I learned through practice how to listen to my own intuition.
Despite the fact that most people do not trust their inner voice, I learned
that when I don’t, I can get into trouble. When you are hiking alone in the
woods, it is a good thing to rely upon. The heart knows… the heart, the seat of
the Holy Spirit or Divine Feminine within, teaches us to listen and feel.
I learned to trust my body. I’ve learned that I require a great deal of alone
time and not to feel guilty about this. When alone I can hear myself, my inner
Voice. And I can sense whether or not my body is tensing up or relaxing. It
takes work and awareness.

Arriving to the exalted state of Christ consciousness takes continuous
self-awareness, of your body and feelings. It takes an willingness to step
beyond into the unknown aspects of your own nature, to be fully honest and
authentic, to accept that your human self is not perfect. After all, your
consciousness is wrestling on a daily basis with the effects of generations of
karmic backlash and consequences. Whether you are a walk-in, a starseed, or an
indigenous Earth human matters little… you are required to accept yourself as
you are and to endeavor to be honest about your motivations, whether or not you
are coming from a place of ego-hurt or true understanding of the frailty of
conditioned human nature.

When you have arrived at an acceptance of yourself and your own ups and
downs, you begin to observe the actions of others in a different light.
Becoming and embodying the energies of Christ consciousness demands that you
release all judgment, primarily directed at yourself, which most people tend to
project out at others through shame and blame. Whether you blame yourself for
what has happened, or you turn against someone else and blame them, it is all
the same, as ultimately, all of humanity is One consciousness, one collective
consciousness. Still, it is up to those component parts, the awake individuals
to master their reactions and emotional upset, their judgment of self
and others no matter the circumstances.

Realizing that this journey to becoming the embodied Christ is a difficult
one for the typical highly programmed person to even comprehend, it is
understandable that many people would rather have someone else do the work and
become their savior, yet this is the lazy way and will not result in a raising
up of one’s frequency.

Acceptance — observation — neutrality —

Acceptance of self leads one to observe the self and others and to see them
in a neutral perspective. When you see that both sides of the conflict are
ultimately from the same Source, the need or desire to judge is quenched. You
are able to see from a higher perspective, one where you realize that
this life is but a point along the development of your soul’s journey.

It is said that the soul agrees to come into incarnation to experience
physicality, both the joys and sorrows, the feeling of the wind on your face,
hearing the laughter of children, watching the beauty that is possible to
create here, working with your hands, creating visions and bringing them into
manifestation… seeing that darkness ultimately reveals the Light that has
always been there as it, too, is a product, a creation of Source.

I am not claiming that embodying Christ consciousness is an easy journey for
anyone in this present environment, yet growth only occurs when challenges must
be met and overcome. If overcoming ennui or discomfort is your issue, waiting
out the end of the movie that is presently playing on the screen of Life, then
be patient… find those things that you have control over… little things, and
take each day as it comes. Better yet, do something… anything but whine
about things that are beyond your current understanding.

I did not come here to demonstrate perfection nor did any other starseed,
yet we came.  We heard the call of Gaia, and we came to the aid of her
children, humanity. And we became humans, taking on the programming and
characteristics, the intense spectrum of emotions possible to feel… in our
attempt to comprehend and to understand, and finally to honor humanity for being
tough, amazing survivors despite every effort to wipe your species out. 
You are all amazing and I love you… even as I am learning to love myself… a
tough job in itself.

Much love to all. I bid you to continue to hold. The. Line. Despite all of
the criticisms from friend and foe that you may be required to endure or all of
the loneliness you suffer through when your former friends and associates have
given up on you as a lost cause. Someday, those who manage to awaken before it
is too late, they will come to you and ask questions. Then, you can devise
answers, drawing upon the wisdom gained through your own experiences.  Then, you can devise answers, drawing upon
the wisdom gained through your own experiences and observations while living
through these extraordinary times.

Humanity is in the midst of freeing themselves from thousands of
years of bondage. This battle isn’t going to be won overnight. Have patience.


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