We’re Witnessing the Death of the Old Crown

Z = Death to Zion

Hello Sailors❗️❗️❗️
Corona Rings or Loops.
Just waitin on the Sun.

Your duty today teach
Corona = Crown i.e., English
Crown Maritime Law to Common Law 1776.
Corona = Stellar Corona, Suns Corona, Corona Rings, Corona Loops, Coronal Mass Ejection.
The Stock Markets will be Blown Up just like V for Vendetta. SUNLIGHT KILLS.
Again why Q said 11.3, 11.4 & 11.6 leaving 11.5 because it is making you think outside the TV box. Remember Remember.
Corona Discharge = St Elmo’s Fire
A Weather Phenomenon just like in the movie #WhiteSquall
Corona = Satellites.

Do you get now why Q said Eyes to the Sky? SKY EVENT. SPACE FORCE they control the weather and everything above.
Guardian’s of the Galaxy.

The Queen’s/King’s Crown is worn on her head ie Above. The Death of the Old Sun. Coming of the New Sun.

5 days before Corona was something.
Kobe Bryant “not buried” at Corona Del Mar Cemetery. Taking down the Clintons on Haiti.

This is the whole point of Now. Trying to get through to you that MSM is your enemy and lie about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. Before they get taken down by Libel Laws & Project Odin.
Turning everyone against them.
They are all controlled (Left, Right & In-between by the MOSSAD/CIA) It is like 8 arms of an Octopus. They all go to the same head. This is not Republican vs Democrat, Liberal vs Labor or Fox vs CNN. It is good vs evil. They did this on purpose to us. We all have lived under Operation Mockingbird which is a bi-product of Operation Paperclip.

As you now know, this is the whole point of everything. I know everyone is tired. I know you feel beaten down and abused. Because we are. Looks like it’s all come to a head now.

As has been stated before, we are the news now. It’s our time.


Exactly what i am talking about.

Tell me again how your FIAT System is fair and not demonic? You have all been brainwashed for years and years by Operations Mockingbird & Paperclip. You don’t even remember what being Human is anymore on this PLANET.

You already lived (through the reign of) the ANTI-CHRIST.
The Systems that have been place since 1870 are run by people who HATE GOD. Anti GOD people
Big Pharma poisoning you since 1870 = Zionist
Rothschilds Central Banking Fiat = Zionist 1917
Court/Judiciary System = Zionist
McDonald’s CANNIBALISM, feeding You Human Meat since 1940. =Satanist/Zionist
TV/Main Stream Media/Magazines/Hollywood/Musicians = Satanist/Zionist.

The FALSE PROPHET (Head Of The Snake) = Head Of The Catholic Church. POPE/S Black/Grey/White

The Ending Israel is last has so many meanings. The [Vatican] is gone. The [crown] is gone. [Israel], is gone.
What and who is [Israel]?
What is left?

Read the [CIA] Israel, Mossad, Israeli Intelligence, MSM drops.
Honey Pot Operations
Satellites knocked down
Libel Laws
Big Tech, Big Pharma, etc

Remember the USS Liberty being hit by Israel in the 60’s.
The cases against Trump have all failed.

It’s all now come to a head.


Khazarian Map
& Nazi’s
The Khazarian Jews created the Nazi’s

It’s all been a big lie.
They turn Nazis against Jews.
They created it to depopulate.
Nazi Zionist Collaboration = TRUTH.

See George Soros
Pretended to be Catholic
Is Hungarian Jew, helped Hitler kill Jews.
He controls all the Left Wing Parties in the world.

You are all divided and separated because that way you are too easy for them to conquer.

I knew long ago..
The INCREDIBLE drop is not IRAN but ISRAEL


Death to ZION/NAZI Collaboration.


MOSSAD did 9/11 Sanctioned by QUEEN OF ENGLAND.
Queen owns (owned) Saudi Intel as well.
Saudi was flipped in 2017 but it started in 2012.


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Forwarded from https://t.me/ThePatriotSentinel


For all the Netanyahu bootlickers I will explain why the ICC issued arrest warrants for Sinwar and Netanyahu.

Just as Al-Qaeda was the CIA’s army under Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld…. and ISIS was the CIA’s army under Obama/Biden/Clinton…. HAMAS is the Mossad’s army under Netanyahu!!! Netanyahu is playing Pope committing genocide against… not only Palestinians… he is killing Israelis!!!

Remember when Trump told us BiBi Netanyahu backed out of the joint military operation to take out Qasem Soleimani!!!! Ask yourself… Why would BiBi inform Trump at the 11th hour Israel would not participate in that military operation? Because Netanyahu and the rest of these DEEP STATE CRIMINALS are all playing on the same team.

Time to wake up…. Q told us… “We are saving Israel for last!!!!


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Note to Readers:

The above articles were written by Whiplash347 and edited (in part) by Tironianae. This is why I question Trump’s earlier speech (while still officially in office) about requesting the death penalty for antisemitism. The Zionists use Judaism and the antisemitism label as a shield to prevent people from questioning anything about them. Anything… So why is Israel home to more sex offenders, child traffickers, and organ harvesting trafficking than any other country in the world? Zionists. Anti-Christ, Satanists, who hate Moslems, Christians, anyone who isn’t one of their “tribe”.

The fact that Israel was being saved for last was highlighted numerous times in the Q drops that started soon after Trump came into office in 2017. This is part of the Plan.



P.S. Note to the Commentor who is waiting for the 2nd coming of Jesus. As I have oft stated, I am not a Christian, although I admire the teachings of Yeshua. He was a highly advanced soul sent here on a mission, which ultimately failed or not. It depends on what you believe. What is happening today in the Great Awakening is Earth humanity is finally moving into adulthood, learning not to give their power away to ANYONE, including Yeshua. No man or woman deserves our worship. Respect, yes; worship, no. We are ALL fractals of Source and contain the potential to attain CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, which is full alignment with Cosmic Law and our Creator, Source… which is feminine according to the descendants of Lyra.

If you have an issue with this, you are welcome to go elsewhere.

BTW, I spent lifetimes in holy orders, both “pagan”, Christian, Gnostic, and Judean (Essene). It’s taken me a long time to let go the need to have others determine what I should think/believe. I’ve been in a cult; not going there, again. And I will not interfere with your beliefs.





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