Trust the Plan – by MrTruthBomb – A History of Trump and the FBI

Let’s lay it out. ~Ghost

Trust the Plan By MrTruthBomb

Trust Sessions?
Jeff Sessions appointed John Durham to investigate crimes committed during the 2016 election on October 28, 2017.
Q’s first post was on October 28, 2017
(There are no coincidences)

Trust Barr?
Bill Barr granted John Durham Special Counsel (SC) status to investigate that the ‘Russia Russia Russia’ hoax that likely stemmed from a conspiracy by intelligence or law enforcement agencies. (Deep State)

Trust Mike Pence?
Mike Pence is from a military family and his son is in the Marines.
As Trumps VP he worked with Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller on historic special ops, which Miller said when speaking December 2020 at the Commemorate first birthday of U.S. Space Force.

Also Re J6, Pence can’t make decisions about the fraud because it was never legally ruled as fraud as the courts passed on the cases.
If it’s not documented as evidence of fraud, then it can’t be legally acted on as evidence.
Pence’s actions on J6 are part of the Plan.

Trust Grassley?
Sen. Chuck Grassley has confirmed that since Joe Biden was Vice President, the FBI has maintained over 40 confidential human sources providing criminal information on the Biden Crime Family.

Grassley also documented FBI’s sordid history of blocking and obstructing its field offices from investigating the mountain of evidence they compiled against the Biden’s.

Grassley flagged new evidence of suspected trafficking of migrant children for federal law enforcement agents and called for immediate action to find and rescue children placed in dangerous situations by federal officials.
“My office is working diligently with whistleblowers to identify as many missing children as possible, in hopes they can be found and saved.”

Senator Chuck Grassley has been bravely fighting against child trafficking and child porn for years and mentioned there were “as many as 1700 names” involved when discussing his child porn investigation at the Department of Defense with Anderson Cooper on CNN on January 6, 2011.

Grassley and his investigations unit are subject matter experts on both whistleblower protections and the Biden family business controversies, which is why in 2023 a Democratic Senate chairman tried to shut him out from the Hunter Biden IRS whistleblower investigation.

He also exposed Credit Suisse’s historical servicing of Nazi-linked accounts and said it’s time to bring UBS corruption into the spotlight.

Trust Mueller?
Robert Mueller served as a Marine Corps officer during the Vietnam War, he was wounded in action and received a Bronze Star for heroism and a Purple Heart.

Did you believe Mueller’s testimony to US Congress before two house committees about the findings of his Russia investigation – House Judiciary Committee (which was scheduled to take place on 17th July but was moved to the 24th July 2019) and the House intelligence committee – that just happened to totally work in DJT’s favour RE no collusion allowing Trump to declare “complete exoneration”?

Also Robert Mueller as FBI Director was involved with information Epstein turned over to the FBI as part of his non-prosecution agreement..

Did you know that Bill Barr and Robert Mueller have been close friends for 35 years?

Robert Mueller was appointed the United States Assistant attorney General in charge of the Department of Justice criminal division and led the investigation and prosecution of the entire Gambino Crime Family, including its leader, John Gotti.

This was made possible by a wiretapping/surveillance expert who supervised Mafia investigations in New York, James Kallstrom and also Rudy Giuliani – the most feared federal prosecutor in America.

The friendship of James Kallstrom and Giuliani goes back to the 1970s when Giuliani was a young prosecutor and Kallstrom was a supervisory special agent in the FBI’s New York field office.

Kallstrom designed the complex bugging operations during the famous New York Pizza Connection investigation and the John Gotti investigation.

Giuliani decided to prosecute the leaders of the families (members of La Cosa Nostra) and their upper-level cohorts together under the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, or RICO, for allegedly conspiring to commit felonies including contract murders, loan sharking, extortion, labor racketeering and drug trafficking.

Later, in the 1990s, when Kallstrom headed the FBI’s New York field office, Giuliani was the city’s mayor.

This was perhaps the largest Mafia investigation in American history and took place when Bill Barr Barr served as Attorney General of the United States (his first stint).

In 1992, John Gotti was found guilty of all charges, and sentenced to life in prison, with no possibility of parole.
John Gotti died in federal prison.
This is significant because for decades John Gotti was believed to be “beyond prosecution.”

His nickname was “The Teflon Don” – meaning, that no one could ever make any charges stick, and the popular belief was that it was “impossible to ever bring John Gotti down.”

Robert Mueller brought him down.
Robert Mueller (under AG Bill Barr) led the prosecution that finally sent John Gotti to prison, after more than ten long years of trying.

George W Bush nominated Mueller to head the FBI just days before the September 11, 2001 attacks. (Tough start to a new job)
Has Mueller been investigating (them) the entire time?

Trust Rod Rosenstein [RR]?
Rod Rosenstein is good friends with Bill Barr after working with him during two stints at the Department of Justice.
Rosenstein referred to Barr as “A brilliant and principled conservative lawyer’.

But why did [RR] recommend the firing of [JC] to POTUS?
Did the firing of James Comey [JC] provide the ‘necessary vehicle’ to appoint Mueller?
Who appointed Mueller?
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein announced on May 17, 2017 that Robert Mueller would serve as Special Counsel to oversee the previously-confirmed FBI investigation of Russian government efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election and related matters.

Did you know Rosenstein said he’d always considered Jim Comey [JC] a friend and mentor, someone he looked up to and three days after James Comey had been fired as the Director of the FBI, he said in a private meeting with Andrew McCabe on May 11 2017 “The one person I wish I could talk to is Jim Comey.”

Trust Wray?
Christopher Wray, (Antifa mapping) – Trump’s nominee for FBI Director, spent years working with—and learning from—James Comey [JC] and Robert Mueller.

Did you know that Rosenstein and Wray also served together as senior appointees in the Justice Department and Wray wrote a letter supporting [RR] Rosenstein’s nomination for deputy attorney general in 2017?

Did you know that Wray and Associate justice of the Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh both attended Yale College and later the famously small and insular Yale Law School at the same time?

Both Wray and Kavanaugh joined ‘The Federalist Society’ upon starting Yale Law and continued as members up through the Trump administration.

Rosenstein [RR] also joined ‘The Federalist Society’ and served alongside Brett Kavanaugh.
Together they were part of the Kenneth Starr counsel team that investigated Bill and Hillary Clinton, their aides and business associates.
When he was a lawyer, Robert Mueller also worked on the Whitewater probe headed by Kenneth Starr and led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton
Every member of the Supreme Court appointed by a Republican since Clarence Thomas in 1991 has been a Federalist.
Trump has bragged that ‘The Federalist Society’ provided him the list of Supreme Court nominees from which he has so far selected Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.

Trust Comey [JC]?
Does anyone else remember when on July 5, 2016, FBI Director James Comey took the unusual step of announcing that a year of meticulous investigation had turned up Clinton classified emails? He tried to walk it back (wink wink) but the damage was done…

Hillary Clinton had installed a personal email server in her home over which she conducted the country’s business. Some of the correspondence was deemed classified and thus she was in violation of the law. (“pay-to-play”).

In July 2016, Trump famously suggested, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 [Hillary Clinton] emails that are missing.”

On that very same day a 27-year-old DNC staffer named Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails to Wikileaks/Julian Assange.

On 10 July 2016 Seth Rich was shot to death in what authorities described as a botched robbery attempt.

Seth was found lying on the ground a block from his apartment. He had two bullet holes in his back and his watch, wallet and phone were all found on him. It was most likely an assassination by MS-13 gang members.

11 days before the election in October 2016, the FBI came into possession of some Hillary emails that it had not seen previously, and Comey decided to go public about the fact the emails existed.

On Jan. 6, 2017, President-elect Trump had a secret meeting with FBI Director James Comey and several advisers to his presidential transition team at his home in Trump Tower.

Also James Comey’s daughter was a lead prosecutor in Ghislaine Maxwell’s child sex trafficking case and also worked on the sex crimes case against Jeffrey Epstein.

Robert Mueller (Former Director of the FBI) was replaced at the FBI by James Comey in 2013. Remember President Trump said he found it “bothersome” that Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 election, is “very good friends” with fired FBI Director James Comey.

In March 2004 Comey, then Deputy Attorney General, was summoned to the hospital bed of his boss, Attorney General John Ashcroft. Ashcroft, weak from surgery, was under pressure from White House officials to sign papers reauthorizing the domestic surveillance program secretly launched after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks
Comey called in help, asking Mueller, then the FBI director, and several top aides to meet him at the hospital.

It was the start of a battle between the Justice Department and the White House. Comey said the White House renewed the program the next day without his approval so Comey, Mueller and several other officials made plans to resign. It was only when President George W. Bush agreed to listen to Comey and Mueller and restructure the program

DJT and the FBI

“New York was so totally corrupt and so controlled by the mob in the ’80s that in order to be a successful businessman, you had to have some way to work that world,” said former FBI agent Walt Stowe.

Trump went into a drywall manufacturing business with Daniel Sullivan, which was represented by Roy Cohn. Trump appears to have learned a lot about the mob from Roy Cohn whom he met in 1973 at a New York Night club. Cohn mentored a young Donald Trump in mafia-style politics.

Sometime in 1979, Roger Stone met Donald Trump for the first time. The meeting was arranged by Roy Cohn. It’s safe to assume that Trump met Paul Manafort shortly after, since Stone and Manafort went into business together in 1980.

Trump said of Daniel Sullivan – “He portrayed himself to be the closest person on earth to the FBI.” One day in April 1981, Sullivan walked into Trump’s Manhattan office with two men in suits. They were FBI agents, and they wanted to talk to Trump about organized crime. Trump welcomed them in.

Trump soon deepened his interactions with Sullivan, who turned out to be an FBI informant, and cultivated a friendship with one of the FBI agents, a young investigator named Walt Stowe, who was one of Sullivan’s handlers at the agency. Trump collaborated on a plan with Stowe and other FBI agents to allow an undercover operation at his first casino.

Trump said he continued working with Sullivan only after Stowe and another agent vouched for him as “100 percent clean.” Trump has spoken little about his interactions with the FBI or his friendship with Stowe. Trump told The Post that Stowe was a “high-quality guy” but “not a pal.”

Stowe said he remains fond of Trump and never saw him do anything illegal.
He said he considered both Trump and Sullivan to be “professional friends.”
Friends and associates recall Sullivan as a giant of a man with great charm and the embodiment of a gregarious Irishman.

Former law enforcement officials say Trump had a close and curious relationship with the New York division of the FBI.

Former FBI Special Agent Mark Rossini said he had not personally witnessed Trump in the bureau’s office, though others had and Trump may have been a “hip-pocket source” for James Kallstrom, and Rudy Giuliani, the top federal prosecutor in Manhattan, who would later become mayor of New York and, eventually, Trump’s personal lawyer amid the “Russiagate” probe.

Kallstrom denied that Trump was a source. (Expected)

Kallstrom, a former Marine, grew close to Trump over the years.
The real estate developer donated over $230,000 to Kallstrom’s Marine Corps–Law Enforcement Foundation (in which Rush Limbaugh was a director) and provided it free space in his Atlantic City casinos for fundraisers, according to several accounts.

Kallstrom became an influential Trump defender and Hillary Clinton critic during the 2016 campaign, bashing then–FBI Director James Comey for failing to nail Clinton on her private email server and accusing Obama administration officials of committing “perjury” in their pursuit of Russian ties to Trump and his associates.

In March 2018, he went further, accusing Comey and disgraced former FBI counterintelligence chief Peter Strzok of having “a backup plan to frame Donald Trump” as a Russian agent.

Former FBI Special Agent Myron Fuller, who gained fame for the FBI bribery sting (dramatised in the movie American Hustle) said “Trump was an informant for somebody in the FBI New York office.”

A remark Trump himself made at an event years later suggested he was well placed to share tips on Mafia personalities with favoured FBI officials.

During the height of his fame as star of The Apprentice, Trump claimed that “every network” tried to get him to do a reality show, but he refused.
“I don’t want to have cameras all over my office, dealing with contractors, politicians, mobsters and everyone else I have to deal with in my business,” he told a 2004 panel at the Museum of Television and Radio in L.A. “You know, mobsters don’t like, as they are talking to me, having cameras all over the room. It would play well on television, but it doesn’t play well with them.”

Trump ran an apparently failing casino in Atlantic City in the 1980’s where the Jersey and NYC mob frequented Atlantic City and the Taj often

According to a 1981 FBI memo, Trump proposed that the FBI use undercover agents in his Atlantic City casino to help take down the MOB.

The FBI and the Trump Organisation coordinated during the pre-construction phase to set it up as such.
The document also details that Trump and his brother met again with the FBI in June 1981.
It is clear that Trump and his younger brother, Robert Trump, were secret FBI informants.
Trump built his Atlantic City casino to trap the MOB, then he tore it down.
This was a sting operation so that the FBI could get dirt on the mob money launderers who were then prosecuted by none other than John Durham.

Mobster Sammy the Bull Gravano said Donald Trump had Ex FBI Agents all around him and could never “Get to Him”.

“I tried multiple times where I tried to press him and make arrangements where I could work with him… I did that with other big contractors. I had the power of the unions, I could do all kinds of little things, but I couldn’t get to him. He wouldn’t bite. He just wouldn’t bite.…”

Trump’s history with the FBI is interesting to say the least when you start looking into it.
I have said many times that most people that work for the FBI are great patriots. It is the 7th floor of the FBI that looked at Trump’s White House as the enemy.

Did you now that Donald J Trump worked with the FBI during the course of the initial investigation of Jeffrey Epstein during the 2006 to 2008 period and was the reason Epstein was arrested for being a pedophile? Epstein/Maxwell’s targeting of Mar-a-Lago employees and guests later caused Trump to ban them from the property in 2008. The attorney that recently unsealed documents on Epstein said that in 2009 shortly before Epstein pleaded guilty, Trump was the only person who picked up the phone and was eager to help him investigate Epstein and Maxwell.

Trump has worked as an informer with the FBI for decades and the current military operation (Q) that we see now wasn’t the first time Trump has been asked to help take down a massive crime syndicate.

The fact is that in the two decades that preceded Trump’s descent down the golden escalator on election night 2016, the résumés of Rudy Giuliani, James Comey, Robert Mueller, William Barr, James Kallstrom overlapped during their impressive law enforcement careers.

Kayfabe is real.

Optics are important.

Expect a lot more TO BECOME PUBLIC (unsealing).

We are witnessing the biggest sting operation in human history.

FISA works both ways.

RICO crimes (past and present)

We must all appreciate the sacrifice and patience required form these Great American Patriots to have done what they have done.

They have sacrificed their reputations and careers to get the plan to where it is now.

This plan to save the world will be studied for generations and we are the privileged ones to see it climactically unfold.

Patriots are in Control.

God bless the Patriots.
God bless the Military.
God bless DJT.
Gob bless America.



~T Edit: laying this out forever, but this is probably the most cohesive singular post on all this I’ve ever seen.

~ ~ ~

Notes to Readers:

Interesting, eh? We’ll be learning more about the various players and their roles in The Movie soon enough. Hmmm, I hear you! Not soon enough.

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