Category Archives: Photography

Early Summer Walk: Bees, Butterflies, Bunnies & Gopher Tortoises at Washington Oaks Gardens

This morning I started out early, at 06:30 hours to get ahead of the heat and humidity. Once the temperature rises above the mid-80’s I kind of go limp! I drove to River to Sea first as it was too … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | 4 Comments

Blossoms & Butterflies – Part 2 – Late Spring

So, that’s a brief synopsis of my flower and butterfly photos… The photos speak louder than words to those who love beauty. The formal rose garden wasn’t in tip top shape as we’ve experienced some thunderstorms lately which squash and … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Birds, Butterflies, Bees and Blossoms – A Late Spring Walk | Eliza’s Photo Journal

Besides the butterflies, here is the one critter I caught in action, very slow action: On Friday, the 24th, I headed out to two more favs, River to Sea Preserve near Marine World and Washington Oaks Gardens State Park. From … Continue reading

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Bulow Woods – A Warm & Humid Hike

Bulow Woods. It’s a chunk of old Florida, before the swamps were drained and the houses built. We’re fortunate it is part of a Florida State Park. The woods shelter some of the largest Southern Live Oaks in Florida, along … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Princess Place – A Damp Springtime Walk

This was my Monday adventure (May 20th) at Princess Place. I started by parking my car near the covered bridge, intending to hike the Equestrian Trail toward the Moody campground. First, I checked the current conditions of the Hominy Trail … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Photo Journal: Botanics

And several handsome critters: And one rabbit, several squirrels, a pair of Osprey, a large fish in the pond, and numerous song birds up in the canopy. The walk: It was a cloudy humid day. A storm cell was due … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | Tagged , , | 7 Comments

Betty Steflik & North Peninsula State Park

Tis the day after the storm. The clouds had left and the temperature was reasonable. I decided to get out of the house and take a walking tour of two close parks. We’ve been experiencing an increase in temperatures — … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | 8 Comments

Photo Journal: No. Peninsula & Betty Steflik Walks, May 5th, 2024

The temperatures are rising in Florida. I must admit, I prefer it cooler, but you have to take what is dished out. I started early and actually walked through Betty Steflik before going on to North Peninsula State Park. I … Continue reading

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Photo Journal – Mid-Spring in Central Florida

Monday I took a long walk at Princess Place. I prefer going there on weekdays as the crowds are less and no shows or activities are taking place. While on my walk, I didn’t meet up with anyone except near … Continue reading

Posted in Eliza, Journal Entry, Nature, Nature Walks, Photography | Tagged | 3 Comments

Photo Journal: North Peninsula State Park

On Thursday, the 25th, I got an early start as the temperatures were going to be higher. Central Florida is transitioning into spring weather, with lows in the 60’s and highs in the lower 80’s. The skies were blue bird … Continue reading

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