To experience something beyond this reality, that exists in the 97% of light spectrum that the human eyes cannot see, is truly a mystical experience.

Only those who have experienced that which cannot be explained by current modern science truly understand that what we see in this world around us is only 3% of the light spectrum.

Our third eye, the pineal gland, also known as the seat of God, is the gateway into all dimensions and realities beyond the 3D. And once you experience this, you have a sudden awareness of how much we are capable of experiencing when we lift the veil of the physical eyes.

A mystical experience reminds you of your connection to God/Creator/Universe and that you are an integral part of the grand design. To be a powerful co-creator in your reality, you need to utilize the quantum field and be in harmony with the unseen.

This is the awakening of the soul.

Nicole Frolick – Telegram

Intuition: What is it, what is it really, how can it be used?

So, apparently some of the modern ‘authorities’ or ‘leaders’ in spirituality regard the intuition is a ‘mystical’ power. Being a person who has become accustomed to utilizing my body’s intuition on pretty much of a daily basis, I regard the faculty of intuition as being a natural part of our existence here on Terra. 

Intuition is a power that is accessible by any human being who is making a conscious effort to connect within.  Why make it something that people think is super or beyond their capabilities?  Intuition is perfectly natural, just not a physical sense.  It is metaphysical, beyond the physical senses and therefore, assigned supernatural ‘powers’.  It isn’t really supernatural; it is just that with the manipulation of the human genome, some of the former senses available to the body (over 300) were turned ‘off’ when the DNA strands were limited to just two.  Still, these senses are still available to those who commit to a spiritual path and begin to rise in frequency, resonating with the quantum portion of their DNA, the so-called ‘junk’ DNA that many scientists have claimed to be useless.

Their claims are not true or based in real science, but propaganda designed to limit the human imagination, the ability to imagine beyond what is seen, felt, or picked up by the physical senses.  A great deal of the world cannot be accessed by limiting yourself to what you can see, hear, touch, smell, or taste.  What is beyond is still a part of you, the quantum unleashed energetic spiritual body of you as a singular individualized consciousness, of the wholeness of which cannot be contained within a mere physical form.  It can, however, be accessed through the intuition, through the creative channels of the right hemisphere of the brain, through the feelings of your body.

Do you require assistance in learning how to use your intuition, which is a natural part of your Being?  No, not really; you just need to be quiet and pay attention to the quiet nudges, the sensations that you feel through your body, the certain knowingness that you have once you let go of the programming and the confusion placed upon you by the expectations of others.  And then, it is up to you to trust what you are being told without the benefit or distraction of words.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes intuition as ‘the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference’.

I will tell you how I first learned how to use my intuition.  I learned it while being outside in Nature, mainly alone or sometimes with friends, hiking or backpacking.  I learned to let go, suspend my intellect and go into a meditative mode. I was able to tune in when I was alone and not being distracted by the babble of other voices and consciousnesses who were, perhaps not as in tune with the natural world surrounding them. 

One time, I was walking in a park located not far from Spokane.  I drove in on a forest road, stopped at an unmarked trailhead, parked and then dropped down across a creek to the main trail following an old roadbed.  Walking along, I noticed a wild mink slinking through the fallen cottonwood leaves at the edge of the creek. The two of us stared each other until I felt a sudden change in the atmosphere, like a ‘click’ inside my head.  I knew the cloudy weather was about to change; rain was coming.  I hurried down the creek to where I could pick up the sketchy trail and climb back up the hill to where the car was parked.  I was within one hundred feet of the car when the heavens opened up and a chilly autumn rain began to fall.  I was able to get off the mountain safely and return home.  There were no words, no instructions, no guidance given that came from outside of my observations and feelings, only a certain knowingness.  This is an example of the use of intuition.

Another time, another place, I was accompanying a group of hikers and was driving my car up a gravel forest road in late March.  There was snow on the ground which was continuing to fall, one of the late spring snowfalls that occasionally hit certain cold pockets of the Pacific Northwest, even though the road was just miles from the Hood Canal.  Driving up the road, I became concerned, knowing that I might experience some trouble due to having already removed the car’s winter tires and exchanging them for the summer ones which didn’t have suitable tread for slippery conditions.

I began to feel a tightness in my belly… in my gut and knew that if I continued driving up the steep snowy forest road, I would get into trouble. Using a combination of common sense and intuitive feeling, from experience I realized that since I had a front wheel drive vehicle, I could not safely proceed any further up the road.  Despite the fact that I was part of a group, I told my disappointed riders that I was going to turn around. Although shaking from a case of nerves, I got the car safely turned around and began to drive back down the hill.  Minutes later, I noticed we were being followed by the other car, an all-wheel-drive Subaru.  Explaining the situation to the other driver, it was decided the hiking group would play it safe and choose another destination, one at sea level.  After a bit more driving to our new trailhead, a beach walk, a safe and enjoyable early spring hike was then had by all.

There have been times when out hiking when I would be able to identify the family or genus of a plant I had never seen before.  The words would just drop into my consciousness.  I had the native ability to store the image of the plant in my mind and then later go home and look it up to fully identify it. On one hike to Central Washington, I was able to identify over 100 plants from the area. I sent in the list to native plant society; they were suitably impressed. While in the Mountaineers, as a result of my demonstrated interest in native flora, I began to be called upon by others as a lay naturalist although hardly ‘trained’ to be so.

Intuition is the ability to know things that are not taught to you by others.  You simply know what you know without knowing just how you know it.  This natural faculty is called claircognizance. Once granted this intuitive knowledge, it is up to you to trust what you have been given.  And that, my friends, is the true test of your own level of self-trust

Humanity has been programmed not to trust their feelings or their intuition but to trust ‘science’ or what others who are trained authorities say.  Yet, can we trust them?  Given recent events, and how science has been manipulated to fit the agenda of those who would destroy humanity, I think not.  Science has become another tool used to control humanity.  If it is not used for the good of all, it is not good at all.

Scientists… true scientists, inventors, mathematicians, musicians, artists, writers, and other creative persons have utilized their intuition for ideas.  Humanity will eventually learn that their intuition can supply them with the knowledge now held within all the libraries of the world and more.  It is an unlimited library card to the knowledge held within the Divine Mind of the Creator.  If you enter into this library, you must do it quietly, humbly, with true purpose, listening to what is being given to you, each according to their interest, intent, and focus.  No, you will not learn everything there is to learn.  You will learn what you need to learn in the moment, what is necessary for your growth, and no more.

Our physical senses are limited.  Our consciousness unbridled is not.  By using the intuition, you will be guided to safety, to a solution, to a theme or idea, to whatever you need within reason.  Intuition will not serve those who are greedy, controlling, manipulative, who lie, destroy, and pillage others.  They are incapable of utilizing the creative faculties of the mind and heart; the Door to the Intuition is closed to those who have turned away from the Light, the Divine Intelligence of the Creator.

Quiet your mind, put away your cell phone, close your laptop, turn off your television, go out into Nature and listen to the non-verbal communications of your body, that come through the intelligent cells of your physical vessel, non-verbal communications which have been transformed and stepped down from your fiery etheric body, the closest body to your Soul.  Allow your Soul to embody, to settle within your physical form, and treat the body like the holy temple it is meant to be.  Then, you will have daily access to the resources of the intuition, guidance for daily clean living, true emotional balance, without the need to rely on the teachings of others.  Your power resides within, waiting for your attention, your surrender to the inner divine well of Being.  Allow the inner union to happen, the reunion of Soul and body, while you live here on this material plane.  What you accomplish here in terms of soul evolution will be duly recorded and carried into further incarnations as your Soul continues its journey beyond this world.

You are a fractal of God consciousness, eternal, experiencing a human existence, a transient existence.  Learn from the experiences, deal with the circumstances, and follow your inner guidance and you will know Peace, Joy, harmony, and Love despite whatever madness appears to surround you.  Your intuition will teach you what is real and what is not, what is Truth and what is not.  Trust, hope, and have faith in what is given to you for your highest good.

Go in Peace and know you are Love.


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3 Responses to INTUITION

  1. Eliza Ayres says:

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal and commented:


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  2. DiosRaw says:

    Wonderful information, thank you, Amber. ♥️


  3. The Lamp says:

    Could you talk about how the ego evolves with our consciousness in our ascension process? Thank you!


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